My feedback
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161 votes
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9,428 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Nathan Hughes, the white sow, so fat that she has no sexuality, would like to find a fight by defending the black and Arab sub-races? Wake up Nathan Hughes, the wogs are already replacing you, they don't like you, they hate you.
The Black and Arab (asian lol) are the biggest racist you know, they hate you.
We don't want your multicultural shit in Europe. Go out piggy naty.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
The shitty Georgian and his Chinese-headed sidekick, anti-white racists , who currently own this shitty app, don't understand that white people are sick of their filthy mugs?
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Hello W F,
On the one hand, you are lying. Your version of the story is wrong:
- This is black Africans who enslaved other black Africans, captured them and sold them in trading posts, to the highest passing bidder. The greatest kingdoms of Africa only existed through slavery.
- Arabs invaded western Europe from the 7th to the 15th century.
- Asians have massacred each other: nothing hates each other more than a Japanese and a Chinese.On the other hand, we talk about the present. White Europeans who live in Europe today are in no way responsible for the past of 7 or 3 centuries ago. White Europeans owe their fortune only to themselves. And it's perfectly legitimate that, as a native of Europe, they can ask others to leave, or at least not to mix.
Any different pretense reveals your pure racism.
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Stop the bougnoulie. Do Africans support 40% white people on their ground in Africa? No. Do the Chinese support 40% black people on their ground in China? No. White Europeans want to live in a white Europe. Outside blacks and Arabs. Out !
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Humans need to share experiences with people like them. The Europeans have shamefully shared their land. Now white people no longer have a land where they can be alone, among themselves. If I pay for an app, it's at least to improve that.
Kik supported this idea ·
3,275 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Don't post anything on this shitty site anymore. Grindr uses it to resell you the features at a high price.
Grindr pretends to ignore that the most popular request is the restoration of the ethnic filter.
Furthermore, the dirty Georgian wokist and his friend with the chinook head, owners of grindr, have not understood that white people are fed up with their dirty faces.
Kik supported this idea ·
1,065 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Don't post anything on this shitty site anymore. Grindr uses it to resell you the features at a high price.
Grindr pretends to ignore that the most popular request is the restoration of the ethnic filter.
Furthermore, the dirty Georgian wokist and his friend with the chinook head, owners of grindr, have not understood that white people are fed up with their dirty faces.
1,520 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Don't post anything on this shitty site anymore. Grindr uses it to resell you the features at a high price.
Grindr pretends to ignore that the most popular request is the restoration of the ethnic filter.
Furthermore, the dirty Georgian wokist and his friend with the chinook head, owners of grindr, have not understood that white people are fed up with their dirty raghead faces.
125 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
1,075 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Stop the bougnoulie. Do Africans support 40% white people on their ground in Africa? No. Do the Chinese support 40% black people on their ground in China? No. White Europeans want to live in a white Europe. Outside the blacks and the Arabs. Out !
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Stop à la bougnoulie. Les africains supportent-ils 40% de blanc sur leur sol en Afrique ? Non. Les chinois supportent-ils 40% de noirs sur leur sol en chine ? Non. Les blancs européens veulent vivre dans une Europe blanche. Dehors les noirs et les arabes. Dehors !
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
restore it please
An error occurred while saving the comment Kik commented
Humans need to share experiences with people like them. The Europeans have shamefully shared their land. Now white people no longer have a land where they can be alone, among themselves. If I pay for an app, it's at least to improve that.
Kik supported this idea ·
180 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
244 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
186 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
181 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
267 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
789 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
4,187 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
2,014 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
4,218 votes
Kik supported this idea ·
Mais bien sûr, les seules barrière hermétique à installer sont celles aux frontières. Les sales wokistes de merde qui on transformés le mouvement LGBT en sous chiasse raciale sont les premières victimes des agressions des nègres et des arabes à expulser au plus vite d'Europe.
But of course, the only hermetic barriers to install are those at the borders. The dirty shitty wokists who transformed the LGBT movement into racial sub shit are the first victims of the aggressions of the Negrooes and the Arabs. Negrooes and the Arabs we need to be expelled as quickly as possible from Europe.