Exploitative costings.
Of course a dating app needs to be profitable to survive but... as with alot of other LGBTQ+ related paraphernalia the gay community feels financially unequipped and taken advantage of. Dating is not viable for everybody everywhere without viable communities and this app started out by trying to help create channels for people with disadvantages due to their identities or sexualities. The cost of this app renders it almost useless for alot of users and other users who might afford it won't pay because there's nobody using it because it's overpriced.
New user retention is minimal as a byproduct of this and so the grid is just filled with the same die hard users who seem to have been on here since the apps inception.
Nothing is free but the pricing doesn't account for regional affordability either. Active paid users are mostly in the cities. Living in the valleys or further afield again renders the app usuelles since roam is paid per hour and it's NOT CHEAP!! Basic cost structures on this app are hugely problematic and thoughtless and in some sad cases men pay out of desperation because they're isolated and struggling to meet other gay men in areas that are intolerant to homosexuality. How is this app helpful for those men?
Often the poorer areas in the world are the places that harbour the highest levels of hate crime and so men not being able to have a safe space just because they aren't middle class is hard to even consider as a reality let alone a fair one.