Map with active users and their avatars
I would like if the app had a Map section for accessibility reasons. A map where you can see small avatars of the profile pictures of the users and where they are.
Why? It's not the same if a guy is 1km away with a very good public transport connection, than a guy that is the same distance away but you have to take 3 metro/bus lines, or it's on the top of a hill you have to walk up (if you can walk). Some dates won't happen because of the subway/bus transfers you have to make or the uphill walk. Same distance doesn't mean same easyness. Sometimes further is easier.
So if we could be shown where (approximately) the other person is, we'd also know how accessible their area is.
I know this useful tool could become a dangerous weapon for some people, so the map shouldn't point at the exact location but somewhere random within 100m of the real location. Or even better, that we could chose where we appear (within a radius of our real location).
This kind of map is currently working on another dating app (blwjbs web) and it's very very useful and lots of users in the area are liking it more than Grindr, it's an expansion opportunity too and could lose less users.