Grindr Affinity
Since the removal of the ability to filter by race I have struggled to make meaningful connections with communities of color. My physical location is predominantly white and I continue to experience high levels of racism overs and implicit, microaggression, or just simply being blocked because being black is not someone’s “type”. This has caused a great deal of psychological harm personally and fueled feelings of loneliness. I would love to see affinity spaces on Grindr where we can get together based on identity to build relationships, hook up, make friendships, or just simply talk. We live in a racist society and we can use technology to drive connections instead of removing the ability to filter and not seeing the challenge that presents to those of us most impacted by racism in this app when we live in predominantly white areas or small communities. It would be help to have the ability to use filter features to connect with those who you share intersecting identities with including race and have discourse as to the why this is important!