Not transphobic but there has to be a fine line between gays looking for gays and guys looking for fem/trans. It seems more than half of the profiles I look at are looking for trans only, and this is very annoying being gay... A new app, or strong filters are necessary. Please don't make me stop using my favorite app due to such a silly reason
Cody commented
Noraseth Hemvech that seems to be common sense and that is why it doesn’t happen, because common sense is not common and nobody uses it. My understanding is that trans people want to be viewed by how they identify and grindr is an app for gay guys so if you regardless of xx, xy, xxy, xyy, xxyy or whatever your chromosomes are I am not sure why you are on the app. It gets even more complicated when they identify as a man but refuse to have the bottom surgery as it is called. I though grindr was an app for those with penises who like others with penises no vagina included.
Noraseth Hemvech commented
Basically if you are the cis guy who in to trans you should just filter search in to trans tribe . That's all. You don't show up on the other tribe . All the gays won't unintentionally thirst message to you . Problem solved 🤠 Transwoman you also just message to the guy who is in the trans tribe . Don't try to message to the gays just because they are hot!! I'm sure we all can happily coexist in this awesome app.
Cody commented
Cavanaugh Quick wow you really missed the point. Last time I checked a guy attracted to women and a woman attracted to guys are straight. If we are suppose to identify people not by their birth sex or chromosome but by how they identify then why are there women looking for guys who want to have sex with women and guys looking for women to have sex with on an app created for gay guys, guys who want to have sex with other guys? Grindr could take away the tags of female, grindr could let people report profiles for having postings like m/f couple looking no guy on guy action. I have received messages from a profile like that, I blocked them and then received another message from a profile that looked exactly the same the next day. I am assuming one profile was the wife, what is a straight married cis woman doing on app for gay guys?
Cavanaugh Quick commented
This is ridiculous. What exactly do you want Grindr to do about user preferences? How do you propose only letting cis gays use the app? Absolute nonsense. Someone you’re interested in not being interested in you is not a technical error lol
Axel noe Acosta Perez commented
No puedo acceder
DONALD F1button commented
TS / TV are grouped together on GRINDR.
TRANS-G, TS AND TV are all very different categories and shouldn't be bundled up as the same.
Generally I am not attracted to those groups but I have genuine friends from those different communities.
GRINDR is being Stereotypical Discriminatory by grouping together.GRINDR, please live up to your OWN GUIDELINES AND STOP YOUR OWN DISCRIMINATION!
Tommelsen Thompson commented
I come from a family with transgender relatives and friends who I love dearly but it is not my dating or sexual preference. It would be better if there was a website dedicated to people that are seeking trans. It would make searching the sites a lot easier for everyone and hopefully eliminate some of the hurt feelings.
Cody commented
7celo, I’m not a quitter I try to improve things and fix problems when I see them not just say f it and walk away. Plus grindr or apps like it are the only way to meet gay guys where I live. Although I have bumped into a couple trans individuals at the gas station
7celo commented
Delete the app
Cody commented
Daddy Dentata hate to break the news to you but LA is one city. Most of the world is nothing like LA. I probably have more property than you and pay less in taxes, although living in LA you probably do not own property but rent part of a building and call it an apartment. How many miles do the profiles go till you hit the xtra that you have to pay for? Closest profile to me right now is 4 miles away, Just because my experience is different than yours does not make it bullshit, it makes your post bullshit.
Cody commented
ⵔⵢⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⴰⵢⴽⵓ you are wrong and you are missing the point. I have had user looking for trans or women message me, I do not know why nothing about my profile says I am trans. Also I do not want women messaging me because I am gay and so I am not interested in women. Also a couple days ago I had a male and female couple message me looking for another guy to have sex with his wife, no male on male action. Why is a straight woman on what is suppose to be a gay app looking to have sex with men? There are a lot of user based problems and grindr blocks them for being underage or fake profiles. Ignorance is a choice.
Carolinadude Dd commented
I agree! There so many profiles of “I haven’t come to terms to myself yet” on your site that you can’t even approach anyone
Craig commented
They have one, it’s an app called Translr
Daddy Dentata commented
I live in LA and that is such bullshit. Its about 3/20 profiles. Grindr is queer, monosexuality is not better.
ⵔⵢⴰⵏ ⴰⵣⴰⵢⴽⵓ commented
They can't do anything about it lmao its a user's problem.
Men looking for women cis or trans are not gonna be texting you either way.
The company banning women is gonna reduce the number of their users. I can assure a 100 respectful trans women is better than your ass asking for online segregation. Delete this flop -
Savannah Blake commented
To be honest they all r hay men, no matter how they identify unless born a woman, so just put people in section they identify as and when I search I shouldn't be able to avoid people not Interested In, only people in category I choose should be there men that's not trans or whatever they identify ass she be in they own section looking for type they like, no way I should search trans and get all top males mostly and people should be forced to create a profile that's not blank basic info should be a must for all
Anonymous commented
I totally agree. And also I'm not transphobic. I'm just a man that love to have sex with other men. Now that can be a straight man, bisexual man, gay man. Please make grinder gay. It's supposedly a gay app for gay men.