Could it be?
What goes around, comes around?
As I deal with same Grindr app deficiencies and it’s broken promises as you all, I wonder if we should borrow from the past.
In my day, go ahead laugh it up, we had no choice but to meet people face to face. Most of the time it was night clubs or those infamous gay bars ( the kids will prob cringe ). And no, not all these places were awful to walk into.
Just think of the endless filters I had at my fingertips! Not my type, walk right past you. No DM’s with typos, you had to actually speak to people. Didn’t like the crowd at one place drive to the next one. Walked into a lesbian bar? Hell, those girls were damn fun! But you got to pick and choose who you went home with just as easy, all be it more fun, as these damn apps. Usually spent little doing it and you had a crap ton more friends from the experience! Most of all, we weren’t sitting at home hiding behind the internet being anti social and hyper judgmental.
With all this online frustration…is this coming back around again? Maybe it should. Give it a try.
And relax with this’s for the humor.