transgender app
Have a separate tab for transgender people so they can still be a part of grindr but be able to more easily find what they are looking for Without being turned down or embarrassed or continually feel rejected. I know it bums me out when someone says no and my transgender friends say it happens a lot to them and it kinda sucks because it bothers them a lot to where they don’t want to say hi to people. So make a tab for transgender people or people seeking that to better increase their chances of matching, foster a feeling of belonging and catering to a new revenue source for you while being sensitive to their need for quality interactions with like minded people.
Elizabeth Hicks commented
@MikeVokal you are part of the problem. You are a crossdresser which means you still identify as a man which means you are not trans
C commented
On the other side of this, I whole heartedly agree. I'm sick of my grid being polluted by trans seekers or trans. They are not my type and waste space on my grid.
elpo0900 commented
Please please please. This is an app for 1) gay, 2) men. It shouldn’t be a burden on us to block these people, especially when we’re paying to find other gay men. GRND is a company now—just make a new app, and market accordingly!
Mike Vokal commented
CD bottom looking for tops