Search by free-form text in profile bios(2)
1) the original idea is closed and locked so that no new comments or votes are allowed. This is because the original idea/suggestion was ERRONEOUSLY MARKED "Feature Exists"
2) the feature that's been referenced as already existing is the recently-added Tags search filter. While useful, it IS NOT THE SAME THING as was requested in the original idea/suggestion!
We're actually asking for:
...a new, user-definable KEYWORD SEARCH FUNCTION...
... which shall be added onto (and implemented into) the "Browse" view of the grindr app.
To accomplish this, the existing "Tags Filter" tool needs to change the current icon (a magnifying glass/"search" icon). It can then be replaced by the more standard/traditional "Filter" icon. Note: the functionality of the Tags Filter remains unchanged, otherwise.
Then, a NEW textual/user input field (with an appropriately accompanying "Search" button [magnifying glass icon]) shall be implemented next to the Tags Filter. This will allow the user to input (a) search term(s) into the field; and then, a new KEYWORD SEARCH FUNCTION, using any/all supplied terms, will execute (upon the user tapping on the search icon).
The function shall primarily consist of a loop. STEP 1 of the loop shall load user profile 'X' into memory.
**** The function will then need to convert any/all variables (regardless of the actual datatype) that comprise a profile, to plain text (or, of the STRING data type, for example). ****
The next STEP of code shall perform a word/term search, for any & all supplied keywords/terms -- and IF there's a match ANYWHERE within the profile, the STEP shall then return [in the form of a URL (or hyperlink)] the current profile loaded into memory. The function shall LOOP with a single LOOP execution per each profile. This LOOP shall run until the search has been completed on all profiles.
The only results listed by the function shall be the profiles with matching words/terms (or, a partial match to a term contained within larger blocks of text) given by the user.

Richard commented
As proposed, the search will become a burden on servers, so proposal needs to be scaled back with limitations on dataset within which search is conducted (e.g. only profiles currently in cascade, or some number of profiles within x miles of zip code, or some maximum number of results). A less onerous search would be to search current profile nicknames (understanding that if it has been modified only current version is searchable). Online status will also affect resource demands to perform search (limit to online currently or within last hour is more efficient than all active profiles. A further reasonable limitation would be to restrict search to some number each month. Free searches could be 0 for free account, 5 for tier 1, etc. Additional searches could be purchased in bundles of 10 for a fee [~$2.99/ bundle of 10, 3.99 for 20, 4.99 for 50, and expire after 90 days of purchase if unused.]
Overall goal: limit server resources utilized and monetize in scalable scheme that covers incremental resources being used reflecting economies of scale for costs of sever utilization and network bandwidth while also providing heavy search users with some bulk discounts.
The more customizable the search the more it will facilitate scammers (fake love relationship scams from Ghana, phishing attempts, general Cyber stalkers will all be enabled the more searchable the profiles)
Anand Shete commented
Just like what's app message search option. We should be able to find out profile with whome we have chatted before with some key words
123 على commented
محتاج ابحث عن اسم اوصفا معينه ويوجد صعوبة في ذلك الوقت لانه لا يوجد عمليات بحث عن اسم أو نوع
I need to search for a specific name or attribute and there is a difficulty at that time because there are no searches for a name or type -
Excellence Solution & consultancy commented
Please give us people searching featur i can't find my old friends
Mike commented
Hello, it would be great to add a chance to search along the planned route. To see profiles nearby my route. In best way, let them see that I will be going around.
Could also provide information in which town Iam currently, and what time does it take me to be in their location. :)
Thx a lot!
Adam Guy commented
Note: Yes, I did request that the official reply/comment by the grindr staff (on the first/original "Search by free-form text in profile BIOs" suggestion -- the one that tried to suggest that the recent "Tags Filter" feature was the same as the "already existing" feature actually requested) be marked as inappropriate. I did so not for content or language usage... but because the admin was attempting to compare apples to oranges (by claiming that the Tags Filter is the same thing as a keyword/term search function -- which is false). Thus, the answer given... as well as the original post being closed... was not an appropriate response to the topic requested.
Additionally, more specific details about the code functionality required to create this feature have been included in this (re-)post of the original idea/suggestion.
Ronny Goddé commented
To surch for a specific profile, it would be so usefull to be able to surch/filter on Pseudo/Profile nickname
Jonathan Swift commented
Should have been selectable increments of 25 miles and perhaps allowing a total of 100 mi-ish
Jonathan Swift commented
On the browse screen, how about a text sesrch field, but to keep it from returning stuff from BFE, set up a selectable mileage limit of 25 mI. That may sound like crazy talk, but out here in almost , BFE I’ll get I. And only find 3 or 4 that aren’t more than 50 miles away
Justin Richardson commented
Free accounts have access limited to the people in their area we, extra and unlimited have ability to see those they are able to contact
Mayank Khatarnake Bhandup Sa commented
PLZ ADD SEARCH BUTTON FOR FINDE Users profile, sometimes it's difficult for me to finde my friends profile , i loss many friends because of hear no search button for finde other users plz add this opcion in incoming updates
Kind regards 🙏🏻 -
Mark Wagner commented
A search bar to find someone one grindr that you met once before.
John Brown commented
Make the initial interest or attraction of a profile be more than window dressing. I would rather find someone to talk comfortably with, and if I end up physically attracted yippee!!!, but I’m tired of clicking on pretty, filtered, boner bait, only to be left frustrated and horny when the inevitable “what’s up?”, “hey”, eggplant smiley face time destroyers ask me to be “generous “, maybe the common top/vers deception lured me to a bottom expanding his options, but my honest response is a resounding “all packages received in rear dock only. Any pickup from the front will only be given or taken orally. I’m pretty well equipped, but I’m not comfortable being manipulated by thirsty fetish hunters. I have a look that many types get excited about, but I feel harassed and violated often by the users arguing semantics over the obvious, and playing the antiquated, aesthetic based popularity contest that kept my ass untouched and locked away in the deep part of the closet, or as some called it high school. If someone read my profile, found it funny, smart, interesting, then I would appreciate knowing that. I’m sick of “what ar you looking for” and my response is always a version of “someone to talk and share commonalities with, but since you obviously want to expend little or no brain function, it would be pointless to tell you I’m hoping to gag, choke, and swallow. If you enjoy it, I’d appreciate the use of your lap for a couple hours.
Aritra commented
It would be really useful if you could let us use search options for profile, sometimes we had to uninstall app for personal reasons but when reinstall then we can't find old friends, we will really appreciate your help if there's a search option like Facebook for finding old friends, I'm really looking for my friend for days but I've I've not found him yet
Anonymous commented
Ability to select the contacts on your phone/e-mail/others to avoid contacting them in the app, specially when you suspect they are using fake profiles.
Anonymous commented
To be able to have a profile search button cause the app deleted a lot of chats I had chated with and one was gonna be great had someone that was wanting to see about dating me now I can't find him