Expiring photos
I live in a high risk zone that is homophobic I request to have free expiring photo features as sometimes it crucial for my privacy and safety

David commented
This feature sucks! I refuse to respond to anyone who sends me exp. photos. I want to be able to go back in chat and look at something if need be. Fuck all this anonymous BS! If you don't want anyone to have it, then don't send it in the first place!
Jaymes commented
For ages now this app has slowly gone down hill. Mostly with allowing cis women to use it even though they literally have all of life to get men without any trouple. But also with gay.net or gaysex.com scammers sending ads and links. There is also bots who ask you to join kik. Now they are sending expiring photos and they quickly block you after you open the message. I think they are collecting your data or something. Why grindr owners are you allowing this? There has been countless reports about this and you are ignoring them. Are you getting paid off or something? You jump into action the second a genuine gay man is reported by a woman or bitter queen but you do nothing about the reports about abuse from homophobic cis women, man hating trans women and scammers. You are a disgrace.
Make grindr a site that needs photo verification in order to join. Also make it a cis gay male only app because frankly I'm sick of my pics being stolen, sick of being called a faggot, sick of tits and vagina pics and sick of being labelled transphobic because I don't want to have sex with a man who has a vagina. -
Matthew Sayers commented
The only people who use expiring photos seem to be spammers. I get numerous ads for NSAsex.com etc every day. It's a pointless feature that hardly anybody utilises, so just get rid.
Long Sock commented
Making expiring photos paid is super greedy.
You're about to loose your users for this greedy move!!!! Grind was just fine. -
Eddie commented
Spammers have started upgrading to Xtra. They send an expiring photo with their ad and as soon as you open it, they block you so you can't report them. I have started reporting anyone who sends an expiring photo immediately, but we need a way to report these people even after they block us.
Jariel Jimenez commented
With Grindr being a dating app that is full of people who ask for pics then leave you hanging, it would be awesome if I could set my Album to expire after a certain time... Maybe not 10 seconds but more like 24 hours. Maybe others would have preferences on times, so it might be good to have a few options.
lit lot commented
I have premium access. But now is very annoying when you sent your expired pics and then u want to check those pics and it shows like black picture! Please fix it.
Gay Badger commented
Add a timer so that those using free and XTRA know when they will get there daily expiring photo again or their 5 daily expiring photos again.
Jaymes commented
Expiring photos should be free and limitless. It makes sending photos safe and easy.
Make them limitless and free -
Gordon Freeman commented
The last 3 expiring photos I've received have just been spam for porn sites.
How about all users have to confidentially verify themselves before being able to use any app features. Users have to confidentially upload a face pic and then upload another one satisfying some random criteria: finger touching nose, left hand raised with palm facing forward, etc and this could be assessed by face recognition technology. This would stop bots from users features to send spam.
J VanPaten commented
RE: Grindr Feedback page "VOTE" option should be YES (I agree) or NO (I do not agree)
This would/could help Grindr in decision making for a:
An absolute fix, new requirement or feature, bringing back functionalities, cost related complaints, current pain points, other issues, etc...All VOTES would count and be based on REAL votes taken from a user/users.
An expiry date with the YES or NO decision noted can display, upon expired idea timeframe/voting timeframe.
If VOTE is expired, then both YES or NO boxes are not available for users.
Also maybe Grindr can send an alert to all or affected clients in a quick popup with a reasonable expiry and timeframe to VOTE via APP...
Grindr may be able to implement changes much faster based on VOTES taken - meeting the idea - the wants and needs of clients.
Michael Escobor commented
I have a feeling that most pictures that are sent through expiring photos are really not the person own feature which could lead to sexual predator or either force them to do things they don't wanna do
Total Package commented
Jackd and Scruff allows free unlimited expiring photos to protect its users photos from being stolen which happens a lot on these apps. I'm a paid member and only get 5 expired photos a day. Sad to say me and a lot of my friends are thinking of going back to the basic membership. We should feel safe and should be able to protect our photos from people out to still them and use then for themselves. I've had 6 guys steal my photos and used them to say that they were them in the photo.
Tyrone commented
You guys took away a lot of xtra features and I’m trying to see what was the purpose bc you only now get one expiring pic and we don’t see ads that’s about it
James Sharp commented
Some people are unable to come out and require a different level of privacy / discretion than others. Expiring photos should be a free feature to allow people in those situations the opportunity to meet guys and enjoy grindr to its full without having to pay. Paying for features on a gay dating app could give the same risks as being outed by someone screenshotting and sharing pictures. Please take this advice of someone who was outed this way, had I had expiring photos I wouldn’t have experienced that awful period in my life
Pat commented
Create a preferred way to send photos giving the option between expiring photos and regular photos.
This would make it so much nicer when sending expiring photos because you wouldn’t have to manually select expiring photo for every new chat.
Anonymous commented
It was really unfair to take the expiring photo option away from non-paying members. For those who want to maintain some privacy online and protect against the many pic scammers on grindr, it was the best feature about grindr. Feels very manipulative to take it away, trying to get us to pay for xtra membership. But just gets us angry, thinking about finding other sites to use rather than incentivize us to pay. Please give it back!!
Anonymous commented
The photos I'm sending to different profiles here are widely being misused.I dont know what to do.Even reporting their profile seems useless since they still got our photo (by screen shotting).Some people are spreading my photos In whatsapp groups also.If this app was having an unlimited expiring photo option this situation could have been avoided.Other similar apps like blued are providing unlimited expiring photo option.Im begging you please give unlimited expiring photo option to all so that incidents like misusing and blackmailing people's using their photo can be avoided.I hope incident that happened to me won't happened to anyone.Instead of making money by selling this feature for money.. make it available for all. Hope you take this seriously.Otherwise people have to switch to various other apps like this.