Sex parties
Sex parties! You should have some kind of sex party option.

Cthul commented
Improve group and couples functions. My partner and I have been ”grouping" since we left highschool. It is it's own legit lifestyle. Make it easy for couples and groups to connect. It would be more inclusive, and grow the community. Grouping allows, for example, a strait person who is partners with a bisexual person to mingle and experiment if they like. It would grow exceptance and understanding of the lgbtq+ community while allowing those may be curious, unsure, or even considered strait to be involved and to help them understand themselves better. Many "strait" people take a bisexual partner. By improving "group" functions to include couples you are including many people who fully support the community and may well be or become a part of it. Some couples only want to meet other couples for alot of different reason. Its very difficult at this point, for a legit couple to find another legit couple who share their interests. It is nearly impossible if youre trying to find a 3rd couple who will share those same interests. Reworking and improving the "grouping" functions are by far one of the best ideas i have read on this forum.
Anonymous commented
I rekon this would be fun
Andi Innes commented