Side position
I, along with thousands of other gays, am a side. Unlike tops or bottoms, we don’t enjoy partaking in anal sex. Unfortunately the only options available under “position” all refer to anal sex. It’d be very helpful to include an “oral only” or “side” or anything really, so that we don’t have to explain ourselves to everyone who messages us.

James Garrett commented
Create a Side Vers this can mean you not entirely a Btm or not entirely a Top and on occasion depending on the current mood anal sex may occur.
Guys seem to take the Side Position as one sided and think that Tops or Btms that choose this will never perform anal ever thorefore resulting in no meeting and the possibility of being blocked. -
Matthew commented
So they quietly added the “side” option, great! … but of course it is unchecked by default, so anyone who identifies with it is automatically excluded from everyone else’s searches by default… *eyeroll*. Swing and a miss.
Everyone is better off just not using it, since most other users are not checking Grindr release notes and manually updating their filters, especially if they didn’t know what “side” means to begin with.
Leo commented
Not everyone is top, bottom or vers. Add ‘side’ option.
James commented
This is a great step forward but can we please select multiple positions? I would like to say I'm both Top and Side so people can find me in both moods
AL commented
We have a new roll called Side. Could we also call it eat/eater.? Side doesn’t roll all that well off the tongue and it’s ridiculed. Calling a eat/eater would come to mind using mostly the mouth in bed for sex. It feels weird saying that I’m a Side because then bad jokes and names comes in like “Side-kick, Side-bitch, Side dish, Side line, Side step”. Meeting with guys loses it’s meaning when “Side” is a word that sounds demeaning.
Marco commented
It would be great if the app would add “side” as a position for people who aren’t interested in anal. The app has many different genders and so on so why can’t there be an option for “side”
Ano Nimus commented
I still can't find it and there's no update.
John Liebgott commented
"Side" Has been added now thankfully this is great! Thanks
Anonymous commented
Even Michael Henry is on the train guys, come on, it’s time: -
Anonymous commented
Check out this video by MICHAEL HENRY with an in-depth explanation on Sides:
Pete commented
Please add Side. More and more guys identify as such and it won't hurt those who do not.
Enrique commented
Absolutely essential!
Richard Parnham commented
Absolutely essential
Shannon Richards commented
Long overdue.
Luke Koenig commented
How is the other request under 1k votes? I just learned about sides today and I've been one for years and didn't know what to call it. I love oral but do not like anal stimulation. I wish there was an option for it so people will stop asking "aRe'nT yOu a bOtToM tHO"? Putting oral bottom in my bio doesn't work so if I could make my position "Side" that would be fantastic
Lawrence Johnson commented
Yes 100%
Passionate Side commented
THIS!!! Yes please!!! I came to this page to suggest the same update. Why not have “Side” listed as a position as it is becoming increasingly more acknowledged in the LGBTQ+ community!!
Rororor commented
STILL NO OPTION FOR SIDES! As others have suggested, there should be an option under position for sides. These are gay men that don’t have penetrative sex. This would save confusion and make the experience of matching with the right people easier. I’m honestly surprised this hasn’t been implemented sooner.
Anonymous commented
It has been nearly a year since this issue with 837 UPVOTES was posted. Face it, friends. Grindr is not listening and doesn't care. I just deleted the app and I suggest you do too if it doesn’t represent you.
Anonymous commented
Please please please please please- seems like such a simple and non controversial option that would save a lot of time and disappointment.