Separate section for trans people and their admirers
I think trans men and trans women along with people who are trans-attracted deserve to have their own separate posting section. That way, trans community members and their admirers can better easily connect with one another. It would be beneficial and make sense to give trans people and their seekers their own platform, connected to the rest of Grindr but as a section within the existing app. You could call it GrindrTrans or something.

Anonymous commented
The whole point of being gay is not wanting to engage erotically with women. Having trans women in the app denies the the gender identity of the the trans women by considering her still “one of the guys”, and robs gay men of having a space of their own to express their sexuality without feeling shamed or excluded.
Trans also bring with them a culture of hyper polarized gender binary which leads ultimately to Objectification and Prostitution. I am gay because it is more cultured and evolved than the primitive male-female gender paradigm. It’s beautiful. And free. Trans folk bring with them a mysoginistic culture of high heels, escorts, and unrealistic ideals of beauty- reinforcing unhealthy attitudes towards women in society. Which I frankly as a gay man, want no part in. -
Carlos P. commented
Yes, Please! I really hate my grid being more "women" and trans and str8 guys looking for them than ACTUAL GAY GUYS!
I can't block them fast enough! -
Carlos P. commented
Agreed! I block so many "women" and trans on my grid that I run out of blocks!
Make an app specifically for Trans and those who love them! -
Thomas commented
You guys should create a separate app for TS/CD and guys who love them. I’m paying for a subscription that barely has men on it. I’m tired of blocking guys into trannies only. It’s extremely exhausting and annoying. I’m paying for an app that doesn’t even cater to my needs.
Anonymous commented
Or perhaps just add a profile field for sexuality? Then people can just filter out straight men. this seems like a no-brainer and something that grindr will inevitably do as more and more straight men get comfortable with the idea that it's ok to be straight and into transwomen (which it is).
William Amilcar commented
You guys should create a separate app for TS/CD and guys who love them. I’m paying for a subscription that barely has men on it. I’m tired of blocking guys into trannies only. It’s extremely exhausting and annoying. I’m paying for an app that doesn’t even cater to my needs.
Anonymous commented
Some days I see more straight guys looking for trans women on Grindr than gay men looking for gay men. Please section off the app - Grindr Trans.
Anonymous commented
why is h0m0s3xual censored out in the previous comment?
Anonymous commented
This would be great. I don't understand why trans people use Grindr in the way they do. As I understood it, someone who is transitioning, would want to be kown by the gender they feel they really are? So a ftm who is gay, (as in likes guys) makes sense for him to use Grindr. However, a mtf who likes guys should be considered as straight, so they should use Tinder.
Simply, I'm a gay guy. A **********. Which to me means that I am sexually attracted to other guys. I have no interest whatsoever in women or females. I'm not even attracted to guys who I feel are feminine personality wise.
Its just frustrating as well as probably a little bit painful to those mtf who hit me up when I block them because I'm sure they take it the wrong way. I'm blocking because I don't like girls. If you're really transitioning be who you are. If you're just pretending to transition to sleep with insecure straight guys, do that elsewhere. (I think pretending just makes you a crossdresser, which again has to do with females, and not guys) -
Anonymous commented
Buy an island and go there alone with a bunch of red necks republicans. We have enough discrimination from straight homofobic bigots, so we don’t need gay guys like yiu also joining them. You don’t like other people than gay, then you are a gaynazy
Tony commented
No hate on the trans community here. I have multiple trans friends. In recent times it appears they've all but taken over the app in my area. Even when I drove to other cities it seemed to be the case. How about an entirely separate app for trans seekers and trans people to have? "Straight guys" have come out of the woodwork to look for trans women, and it most certainly wouldn't bother me except now it's starting to look like they're dominating the entirety of my city. You could even charge a premium (XTRA) for these types.
Christopher commented
Future update request.
I’m very trans supportive and positive, but I’m still a dude who dates dudes. As with other sites/apps I’d like an option to select “men for men” or “seeking” men (including trans men). I do not want to discriminate, but I also don’t want to see women / trans women when I’m searching for guys.
Hopefully that’s a fair statement to make?
Or perhaps in my search criteria I can narrow the field as I narrow with other things (seeking bottoms, height / weight, etc.). I’d be happy to screen in or out my preferences for males via search. Thanks and let me know if there is an update planned to address this!
Lastly, the same options would be available to all — so if trans women are speaking men, or any combination thereof it can match them up.
Anonymous commented
The app is supposed to be fo guys looking for guys and there is a limited number of users viewable around me at any given time. This pool of users is blocked by the same tired spam profiles (same photos horizontally stretched out or druggy and looking like they were dragged out of bed at 4 AM and having a light shone in their face). This space is also blocked by countless trans/women profiles (who knows) but the vast majority are explicitly looking for money, gifts, donations for photos and various services. This garbage is a TOS and choking out real users.
Anonymous commented
Give us the option to filter OUT trans. the trans community has exploded overnight and now every second tile a trans girl trying to be cute and often asking for “reward” or “treats”. It’s fine if they want to do that but at lease give us the option to filter it OUT because A LOT of GAY MEN don’t want to see it.
Jason Miller commented
At the end of the day, all these politically correct people going on about how trans women need to be included .WHY. They're trans WOMEN. This is for MEN. So any female option should be removed. Don't like it? Use a different app. There are plenty of apps that accomodate women.
Jason Miller commented
Keep Grindr male only. Men need a forum free of females to exist and connect. Females (Cis or Trans) should not be allowed on Grindr. Pronouns removed. If trans women really want to be women, they shouldn't be on a gay men's app. Gay men need something that women aren't going to get involved in. Next app that caters to gay men only will get my support. I'm sick of seeing "women" on Grindr.
Anonymous commented
I agree with this idea. If Trans people had their own app. It would be better for their mental state and well being. I have found that they tend to follow people on Grindr by creating fake screen names because people won’t respond to their profiles. This would be safer for them and stable for their environment.
JP commented
I'd also want this. Many guys and even other trans users are ONLY interested in "women" or ts/cd" and I'm personally not interested in "ts/cd" or the guys who only want them so why not make it a better experience for everyone and allow sectioning it off is the user so desires? Currently I have to turn on just about every filter with a few exceptions for the same effect and I still see them (because some dont like putting in any details onto their profiles).
Logan commented
Why they always stripper ********** looking women? Doesn’t anyone identify as a respectable woman ? Trans women’s true male colors show when they dress up like trashy stereotypical *** objects.
Jet commented
I do have an XTRA membership. It doesn’t change the fact that 1/5 of the Tops in my city are Trannys. And 2/5s are homophobic confused heterosexuals that proliferate patriarchal ideals as desperate gay men sacrifice their manhood in the feminization arms race in which straight men win again.
Evolutionize your queerness somewhere else. This is some twilight zone politically correct nightmare when GAY men are expected to welcome WOMEN into a hook-up community.
You undermine the whole validity of gender reassignment when you say “yeah but deep down she’s really just a gay man so s(HE) should be allowed to join Grindr”