Sync chats and notes across devices
It's one account. It should work seamlessly.

Mark Hinds commented
It is vital that I have access to Grindr on multiple devices. Please grant me access
Len commented
Basically it makes it difficult to use multiple devices when there is no sync with the app, essentially seems like signing on to a different app and starting out fresh.
Mark Hinds commented
I use my iPhone and iPad
James Louis commented
Please alow this feature. It's important for all of us. Specially for those who are couple and share the account as a couple but don't live together. It would make me really happy and my relationship would be so much better. Please considere it. I'm sure you will (I hope so....)
WyattCon commented
The fact that my Boyfriend and I are a Poly couple, only communicate together, and share the account. It's incredibly frustrating to match up who we are talking to and what has been said or to try and continually place a signifyer at the end of every single message we send. It's 2023 why is this even a vote and not implemented already?
Radath commented
I didn't realize this was a thing until I bought an iPhone. Now I either have to lose years of messages, or I keep my old Google Pixel to use Grindr (less and only when at home). Plus i have Grindr set on my Pixel to backup every day, but it says it was last backed up 6 months ago.
Phil LaTio commented
I have two different phones, one of them is connected to my carrier, the other one is my old deactivated phone. I have Grindr on both of them. Yet when I visit Grindr, using both phones, they show completely different people near me, and rarely a few of both, but not all. I checked and double checked my location services on both phones, everything is in order.
Another issue that I have is when I go and visit the "viewed me" tab and tap on their profile; it doesn't appear. Instead, I get a pop up for joining Grindr. This wasn't the case just a month ago. Is this something Grindr has recently changed? Or is it a bug?
I really do hope that the people that pay for this app are having fewer problems than I have, because as of now, I can't even remotely justify being a paying member.
Robert Bienstock commented
This is why I don’t pay for premium service on Grindr. #grindrsucks #scruffisbetter
Jeff Ammons commented
You would think. But grindr STILL locks up iOS after minutes of use. This company clearly is only out to take money from a marginalized group. The nerve of what they try to charge for xtra and ultimate proves it.
Jaysin Reign commented
Do the people at grindr even read this. Cause this is such a simple update that they could make that would make the app better than what it is now. Synch chats across devices like every other app is able to do! Please!! This should be a free feature for all to use.
Anonymous commented
It's such a basic concept that all apps can figure it out BUT Grindr! Your developer team doesn't deserve one penny of my money as long as such a basic bug is left unfixed.
Anonymous commented
Pathetic how they either can’t figure this out or could care less. The only app that doesn’t sync an account across devices
Stephen Matyasfalvi commented
Most people use multiple devices for all kinds of apps and the messages sync no problem. Why is Grindr the only one that doesn’t? Your main competition Scruff has no issues with this. It would also be great for couples who use one account but each on their device.
Matthew commented
Grindr is the only app i have that only stores data locally. It’s so annoying because i have many devices, but always have to search out that one phone with Grindr on it. Please join 2022 Grindr… If there are privacy concerns, then a compromise could be a ‘sync and merge’ feature to keep multiple devices in sync — not just a one-time backup/restore, but a regular automatic merge so data isn’t lost. Or move to cloud hosted data and make local storage an option.
Rodrigo commented
Me me and my boyfriend want to create an account that both could use on our personal devices but chat won't sync... it should work like instagram for example...anything that I could do to make it possible ?
Nick Arn commented
Can we please find a way to sync messages across multiple devices? My boyfriend and I use the same account and we have no idea wha messages to look at or who we were talking to. Plus he can’t see the ones I have and I can’t see the ones he has. Fix please
Andrew Timothy Trollip commented
Real problem
Mark Higgins commented
I have 4 apple devices. This is the most annoying issue imaginable. please escalate!
Zaid Haddad commented
No matter if I have my iPhone volume on high, medium, or low, the sound effects from Grindr remain at the full volume setting. This is annoying when I’m using the app in the evening in a quiet moment or somewhere where there isn’t ambient noise that is loud enough to blend in with the sounds from the app. Bottom line the volume buttons on the phone should control the volume of the grindr sounds. It’s insane that this is even a thing, because it’s a design choice that makes no sense.
Alan K. Chan commented