Relationship Status
Add Polyamorous to relationship status. It’s more than just “Open Relationship” or “Partnered”

No commented
Please add Polyamorous to the available relationship statuses. It's quite different than "open relationship" and those of us who are in poly relationships really have no suitable option in the drop down list as none of the ones you offer accurately include the polyamorous lifestyle.
Andrew commented
Polyamorous to relationship status and or tribes
Anonymous commented
List poly as a relationship status
Jesse Cain commented
I need a relationship
Anonymous commented
Can you add it’s complicated or polyamorous on relationship status
Jack commented
Currently you have no relationship status for widowed. It would be a useful one to add. I am recently widowed and none of your current relationship options describes what I am.
Trevor commented
I can't believe this is not more popular. I have asked "married" users this many times. Guess it can be seen as a conversation starter, so maybe not such a big deal.
Anonymous commented
I completely agree with this. Myself & my husband have a polyamorous relationship. It’s not an Open Relationship by any means. SCRUFF have this option, as should all others.
Link commented
I completely agree!! I feel unethical about not having my polyamorous status listed upfront, like I'm misleading guys, but the truth is I'm not in an open relationship. I take no primary on, but several lovers. It's led to frustrating misunderstandings along the way, and the character limit isn't enough to explain that I'm poly and leave room for much other info. Plus, what about people in throuples/triads or quads? "Open Relationship" still implies monogamy but with an option for side-*** or side-connections, as opposed to multiple deep connections. I've been a bit surprised to see grindr hasn't offered it by this point, but I hope they do very soon :]
- commented
Polyamorous relationships are intimate relationships between more than just 2 people. Based on consent (and open-minded/ heated communication), all partners commit to each other's wellbeing. All partners care for and love each other to various degrees.
The polyamorous Relationship Orientation is on the other side of the spectrum, compared to monogamous relationships.At the moment, the lack of being able to select "polyamorous" as Relationship Orientation is not quite inclusive. In fact, it is very hurtful to poly-couples since it appears like heteronormative discrimination.
Something, that Grindr wants to oppose for sure.Many thanks.
Anonymous commented
Please add Polyamorous to the available relationship statuses. It's quite different than "open relationship" and those of us who are in poly relationships really have no suitable option in the drop down list as none of the ones you offer accurately include the polyamorous lifestyle.
Anonymous commented
Add "widowed" as an option for relationship status. Literally every other dating site/app has it. It's shocking Grindr doesn't.
Mike M commented
Agreed, and also in looking for, it would be nice if they added an option where you are looking for a poly/throuple relationship
MU commented
Now that marriage for all is legal, it would be helpful to know if guys are married to a M or F.
Anonymous commented
You need an option for Poly relationships and Throuple’s on Grindr! So many guys are in either one now, myself include
Anonymous commented
Now that Marriage for all is legal you may have a thing for married men who are married to women