Getting UNBANNED must be faster - via live chat support or a 'second chance' feature
Hi all,
I just got banned while talking to a mate on Grindr. Out of the blue. No warning, no explanation, no nothing. This is all but ridiculous!
I've been using the app for, I don't remember how long now - 6+ years maybe, as it's still not possible to check account creation date despite my feedback to Grindr on the subject months ago - and their system banned me in an instant as if I was using fake ID, advertising, selling, you name it bannable misconduct. Obviously, none of these apply. Yet no first or second warning, nothing at all - just a 'Your account has been banned for violating our Guidelines or Terms of Service' message while I was online and chatting.
This said, I'd like to call for the introduction of a live chat service for users to be able to contact Grindr Support directly and in real time. Right now I'm not even sure whether my in-app report got sent or delivered, as there was no confirmation of any kind neither on-screen, nor via e-mail.
Another suggestion would be the implementation of a 'Second Chance' option that allows offenders to avoid getting permanently banned until another violation. Often, as in my case (although, mind you, I still don't know why I got banned), mistakes do occur - be it on user or app's side - and having the ability to 'postpone' a ban until human Support has decided whether it was a genuine offence that deserved or a ban or a second chance, or it was a mistake due to automated measure in place to prevent abuse.
My only and rather wild guess would be that I got banned for sending my mate a link to show him something. However, I've sent links before and there's never been an issue. I don't remember using an URL shortener though such as (as in this case). So, if this is what got me banned - a genuine, non-harmful link - I believe it would help many guys to know what EXACTLY is forbidden to send in a private (yeah, right - "private") message and what isn't. How was I even remotely supposed to know using this specific shortener could get me banned? Like, seriously!
Hoping for your support on this, lads.
Kind regards!

We now link directly to a help page and ban appeal form when you get banned. Moderators typically review and respond to ban appeals within 1-2 days.
perrie commented
My account works on my old android phone, but when I sign into iPhone, it says account banned. Can anyone help?
Ella Worehead commented
They ban for no reason at all. However, I've got unbanned on Grindr by doing factory reset and using a new phone number via DatingZest Grindr service to bypass verification.
After that I've used new photos, new email. It's working fine now. Even Matches are going strong then before.
Brenden Moore commented
I'm trying to get unbanned
I was installing the app and then l was banned
Martin Finnerty commented
I’ve been banned from Grindr for over three weeks now so saying moderators respond in 1/2 days is definitely not the case. I’ve been using Grindr for I guess five years now maybe even longer and I have no clue why I got banned .
C0000L GUY commented
I had been using grindr for 5+ years with the same account. On Nov 14, I got banned. I filed an appeal to unban my account on the same day. I have not received any response back from grindr until now. I never violated bullied no one. Never had any problem in 5 years. I have a humble request. Please give me a second chance and unban my account
Ryan Allen commented
Agreed. It is way too easy to get people banned for no reason other than reporting them. This is likely a calculation on Grindr’s part - erroring on the side of caution to protect themselves than investing in the resources to ensure a fair experience for its users. It’s a shame and just shows we need more options when it comes to gay dating / hookup apps to break the monopoly that Grindr currently holds on the market. As users leave the app, Grindr’s tune will surely change..
Amjad Shaik commented
So it when unband
Amjad Shaik commented
Dear sir I request you please unband below mentioned I'd
1516026 -
jesuslovelyjackson raj commented
start my acount grindr
James Dougherty commented
Why was I banned it makes no sense least tell us why?
Peanut P commented
Sad thing about this is I was banned too for absolutely no reason or warning of any kind. I missed out on a very important connection because of this. My account is real and never violated any rules
Debashis karmakar commented
Please unbanned my account and take to get second chance
Davantae commented
Yeah it's crazy how you get ban for no reason and you haven't been on the app for 3 days
Chris commented
same issue
Anonymous commented
Same issue here, the solution offered is not a solution for the problem described so I don't understand why this is marked as answered. The question is live chat support for random bans. It happens to me yesterday in the middle of a chat with a friend just random account banned.
Anonymous commented
Hi ,
Unfortunately I am bringing the same issue here .
I have been using grindr since 5-7 years and without any reason all of sudden I get notifications that my account is banned :(
It’s really sad …
Why ????? -
Anonymous commented
Same here
Jake Johnson commented
I got banned because a twink got upset because I didn’t want to hookup with him so he decided to call me the N-word (hard R) and block me so I couldn’t report. So I called him out publicly and they banned me. So much for being anti-racism. Thanks for telling Black users they should tolerate that behavior
Ant commented
When u ask about why grindr banned you, they will send you this:
„ Hi,Thank you for reaching out.
We know that it is upsetting to be banned and we understand why you would want more information on this, however, for privacy and safety reasons, we cannot provide any more specifics about why your account was closed.
As this decision is final, we will not respond to further inquiries about your account. We appreciate your understanding and wish you all the best.Regards,
Jaz 😊 @ Grindr Support„No any respect for users , even if you have used it for many years.
They do t give a reason at all, so Where is the point?
Dear Grindr team, your app is mostly used for sex date. There are many stories about banned peoples without any reasons, why? Why u dont want to say it?
LGBT+ Peoples need a lot of tolerance. Are you sure your team really understand whats that mean?
Dont think so.
Its just a bit of sad.
Good luck for everyone, grindr 10 years ago was much better.