Unique username / profile ID
Help others find you by giving out your username, or vice versa.
(Shareable profiles)
AJ commented
Other apps, such as Scruff, have this option and it is very helpful in finding people. It would be a nice addition to Grindr also.
Os commented
Hi. The app gives the option to find people in a different location or use filter to find someone with specific interest or features but it would be nice if I have the option to find someone by their profile name. I'd like to know whether someone is connected or not and how far they're from me. So searching by their name would help me find the person easier. Thanks!
Juan Perez commented
How would scammers, haters, fakes, abusers, and all those nice people survive if there was some kind of verification? Grindr will not be interested in this.
Mike g commented
Add a search username option.
Teuns Roux commented
Option to search h for a profile by username
Aritra commented
That's most needed
Ajju Vanol commented
Yes this is most required feature. This can make it the best app
Anonymous commented
Profile search
Stephen commented
A member taps you There's no way to communicate with them except scrolling through for feed.
Anonymous commented
Very simple put up a search for username
Ravi commented
It would be good if u add a search option to find a profile which will be easy to connect
Tony commented
Adding a search option to search for a profile
Anonymous commented
Un tasto per cercare gli utenti per nikname
Anonymous commented
Be able to search for someone by thier screen name
Sometimes you lose contacts or messages
Having thier screen name could help reconnect
Just a field to be able to search by thier screen name -
Anonymous commented
All that needs to be done is provide a search field to look up members by their USER ID #.....is that so hard? hello?
Bubba commented
Why can I not search a specific screen name? If I wanted to connect with someone that is asking about me through another friend. I’ve looked for a search engine through the app and it doesn’t exist. This person is asking for me to find him and there is no way to do that. This app could have many more options and be more user friendly but it isn’t.
Anonymous commented
I want to be able to search for a specific profile name
Keith Sattely commented
Have a search option so you can find a guy. Scruff allows it, couldn’t be that hard for grindr
justin jairath commented
PlanetRomeo website had this excellent feature. learn from that website
Anonymous commented
Have a way to see how’s blocked you. I’ve had very awkward conversations over a “block” when it was a delete of app. They appear the same for the most part either way