David West commented
Please please please let poz users search for other poz users. Dealing with stigma all the time is very tiresome and draining on mental heath. Please if someone has their profile as poz, add a filter to let us find other poz users. This filter can be hidden from neg users if you don’t want them filtering out poz users. Though personally I’m happy to be filtered out from prejudiced people’s profiles
Please Grindr, implement this change. It will make a massive difference to the lives of hiv+ people
David Portillo commented
This Needs to be a gay app app as it was created for! All this change is not for most people your born Gay you stay Gay! I will absolutely never ever change to like Trans or Female ever! I fed up seeing woman on a man's app! Its no different then have a straight female trying to show interest in meeting me or chat! I absolutely don't want to feel so horrified by this! I only want men as I have always wanted!
EseSoyo commented
A previous boyfriend who was HIV positive claimed we were married to qualify for financial assistance. He let them believe I was also positive.Also a testing kit I sent with samples to the lab at Qcare was intercepted or tampered with during delivery . After receiving a FALSE positive for chlamydia, and herpes , I decided to track the package which had ended up in the trash at a hotel in OKC opened! I decided to track the second kit I sent back and saw how the same package arrived at the same facility twice at different times. So two packages arrived at the but which one was mine. Are these results reported and how can we defend ourselves against false reports?
Bruce Kreitman commented
We must know
Juan Thomas Alvarez commented
I sometimes have to still put my HIV status as my name because people don't read. It's a pain in the butt to spend time communicating with someone to later find that they didn't read the profile, so when I am tired of making my first response to messages "I got HIV", I just put it as my name. It saves time not having to invest my time in someone who has a problem with my status. Also it is a good thing fake GPS is gone, because I used to get all sorts of weirdos trying to pinpoint my location. I wish as soon as someone opened my profile to send a message they get my HIV Poz status front and center on my profile, and inside the chat window. I have no time to waste in constantly having to repeat myself.
Brett Ian Rutherford commented
Please tell me you're not naive enough to believe this already doesn't happen. I was looking for this as an option in a vain attempt to appease those who love to inform you that "you should only look for your kind" - or "shouldn't it be illegal for people like you to have sex?"
Etienne commented
To discriminate against gay men (primarily) on the basis of their HIV+ status would make us no better than the homophobes who did the same thing in the 1980s, you would think that the gay community for all its talk of “Pride” and “Equal Rights” would be more sensitive about this topic based on past experiences.
And if we do add an HIV filter, then why stop there? Let’s also include filters for: mental health, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, asthma, psoriasis, acne, physical disabilities, depression, high cholesterol, etc, etc. Let’s just filter each other to the point that Grindr has no guys to suggest to us. It’s truly shocking how tone deaf the gay community can frequently be. -
Jan commented
HIV... the 2nd Hoax of the century after cOv :D
Both of them was managed by the same guy :D -
RS commented
It is each persons own responsibility to wear a mask same for wearing a condom or taking Pre Exposure Profilaxis. Its a persons intimate privacy to or not to disclose a genetic status. If you’re not in a closed monogamous relationship and have sex with men or engage in risky behaviors you should be on PreP. Only then can You make the world better by taking initiative to not be a bigot and participate in stop the spread of a virus. Same as chicken pox, ghonorea, and Co-vid.
achilles commented
i would like you to watch my livestream when i kill myself because grindr banned my account for no reason.they took away my happiness.
Francisco Rodriguez commented
Grindr provide reminders about getting a tested regularly for HIV and STIs but doesn’t allow you to screen out those that don’t. I think there should be an option to screen out those that aren’t taking safety precautions.
Ken commented
The problem with this is the person who you’ve gotten the exposure from probably didn’t know he had an STD, nor did you know you were exposed before being made aware of it. The time between being exposed to STDs and actually knowing to have it is likely to be weeks to some months. So if you were to be exposed to HIV, you wouldn’t know that until actually being made aware of it, which could take some months. That way everyone would always put down they are STD free, which would promote false idea of being in an STD free environment and possibly create a hostile environment for the infected to make former bed partners aware of their exposure.
Sam Stephen commented
A filtering option to look for prep users would be helpful to meet people who take prep. I face discrimination for taking prep by non prep users so it would nice to meet prep users and a filter would be very helpful
Arun Singh Arun singh commented
I have a fear after getting std in 2021 from someone through Grindr, it made my life hell for 3 months when I found std in my test, i appreciate if you could make it mandatory to put std and hiv status while joining the app.
We all should date responsiby not playing with someone, -
JKH commented
The ability to implement contact tracing.
1. The ability to save hookups to profile along with the date of hookup(s)
2. Send an automated message from Grindr (to maintain anonymity of positive sexual partner), text message and/or email if they have provided one that informs them a previous hookup has tested positive for whatever STI.This is important as many (probably most) Grindr users do not exchange contact information which makes notifying previous partners impossible through existing notification services.
The current outbreak of Monkeypox highlights the importance of contact tracing in preventing and hopefully eliminating disease.
RSL commented
A feature that when hook up with someone can confirm it on grindr and it sits in the background. Then should a person test positive for any STI they can insert it into the option and anyone since thr last test will be notified they have been in contact with someone who has tested positive. Removes the stigma and panic of having to tell people and promotes sexual health
jahaziel romero commented
With this kind of verification we can start monitoring and reducing std and hiv transmission within the gay community. Let’s make safer sex safe again.
Juan Do commented
Actualmente en la aplicación hay muchos tíos que tienen VIH y están manteniendo relaciones sexuales con gente sin indicar si son positivos o no, por ello solicitaría que fuese requisito obligatorio el indicar si estas o no infectado. Por ello, si mienten sería un delito por ocultar una enfermedad que es de alteración para salud pública
PVBiGuy commented
It would also be great to have an option that says only show my profile to verified users. I have more spam activity than real activity.
PVBiGuy commented
It would be great to verify a users age and photo. These do not have to be exposed in a profile but if a user does expose their age it would be nice to know it was accurate.