Preferred Meeting Place
Have the option to post preferred meeting place.
- My Place
- Your Place
- Meet in Public
- Car
Allow users to edit their settings to show guys that have the preferred meeting place. This way guys who prefer to meet in public first can find other guys who also prefer to meet in public, guys who are looking to host can look for guys looking to travel and vice versa.

Anonymous commented
This will save a lot of unnecessary back and forth message if we know if they got a spot to Host or they prefer to Travel or both.
Ryan H. commented
This has already been implemented to a degree in the profiles.
Anonymous commented
Yes please. I saw someone comment on a similar request that this wasnt necessary because of the your place/my place settings but i disagree.
There are lots of ppl who put "Your place" cuz they cant host but that doesnt mean they can travel. Sometimes i can do both but often i can do neither. It would be nice not to have to go through a 2 min Q&A with each person just to figure out that neither of u have any means of getting to one another.
Perhaps also add "public transport" as an option. In cities like mine, this will be a clear indicator that if i want to hook up with that person, i may have to arrange transport for them or travel to them myself.
Tyler Norris commented
They already have a " my place, your place" option
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Host or travel in profile
Andrew Carpenter commented
Add an option to be able to host someone overnight including when they are expected to leave and if you will include meal/s.
It is imperative that this implies that there's absolutely nothing ****** requested in return absolutely no expectations of anything of any type including labor. But at the same time stiff rules should be posted
Matt commented
Have an option to select hosting or traveling or car play etc.
Kevin commented
This is absolutely needed. Is any moderator reading this? Prove to me there are developers on the other side of this and create this filter option. This question should be required for all profiles. Please.
Anonymous commented
This is a basic and essential for a complete profile. The amount of time wasted only to find out they can’t host so u can’t meet up.
Please add this -
Nightwing commented
It’d be great to put an option if you host or don’t this way us paying users can filter & others can see as it’d be way easier to see our options.
Alex commented
Have an option to filter host/travel details
Anonymous commented
Add a new field in the profile: Can host?
B commented
Whether or not someone can host should be a filtering option.
Stephen walker commented
A search for hosting or mobile; both or neither. A place in profile optional to show if the person is hosting or mobile or both or neither.
Dan “DRush94” Rushton commented
Please please please please please please!!!!!
J commented
It seems like knowing who can host is a common issue with meeting up with folks. Any chance this could be something on a person's profile?
Zac Tucker commented
Have a section that asks someone can if they can host or even a time
Mike Jones commented
Hosting, not hosting, public play, or hotel room should be a option so u don't waste time chatting only to find out u both can't or aren't hosting.
Anonymous commented
Put a host, cant host or either feature and ability to only see those who can host, both or who can only travel