Picture Exchange
There should be an option of picture exchange. I fill the box with my pic at my end. But it won't be displayed to you unless you fill yours at your end. When both boxes are filled and sent, pictures can be seen at both end.

[Deleted User] commented
This is beyond critical. Too many jerks, who think it's ok to ask for a picture and view yours. Then be the sole arbiter of if you get to see theirs or not. It's a damn shame people can't follow the honor system. Sane and normal people say, here's my picture, but I'm not interested if that is the case. It's so rude to not disclose your picture AFTER YOU ASKED for one. This NEEDS to be a thing STAT please!
I'm totally out too. I have been since I was 11 years old. It's not about not being out. For me, it's I'm tired of being told I should die and they'll piss on my grave BECAUSE IM UNDETECTABLE and Grindr doesn't do anything about it. So, no. I don't post a profile pic in my profile, but send one if I'm trying to play or get to know someone. I just don't think it's right for others to ask for one when they're unwilling to share one.
Jo commented
One of the biggest if not THE biggest turn of when using Grindr is getting unsolicited dick pics. This is especially true for younger folks, but also for everybody whos not looking for (quick) sex. even if someone is looking for sex, that doensn't mean they want to get dick pics from random people.
But there's an easy fix. if you can only send someone a picture AFTER they have sent you a message or given you a tap. it wouldn't stop unsolicited dick pics completely, but like at least at a 95% rate. you could also give users the option to turn this mode on or off, but the default should be no pics unless both parties "agreed" to the conversation. it would make grindr a much safer space instantly.
I do believe that the random dick pic situation is a big contributing factor why Grindr has more and more developed to a virtually strict hook up app. I do remember times when it was more chill. also, thanks to grindr now it's almost common belief that getting an unssolicited dick pic is just "the cost of doing business" for being on a gay dating app - or just for being gay. but it really shouldn't be. and we should especially think about all the teenagers using the app for the first time and then get sent hundreds of these pics, most of them from guys twice and thrice their age and even older.
Kokoro Neko commented
I would honestly like if you could lock your profile with an npnr option. I live in a very closeted locality so I would like to combine something like tinders face verification with this. Basically if i am a verified person I should either be able to see other verified OR you cant chat if you don't share pic
Hannah commented
Please do this???? So tired of blocking faceless profiles
Ben Poholek commented
Would be great to have a feature to prevent others from sending pics without consent. Face pics are great sure, but the number of unsolicited dick pics is far too high. Would love to just be able to stop it completely. If users are okay with unsolicited pics of any type, they could have switch on.
ltlshani commented
Like if you want a certain age group to message you or ethnicity. people who prefer certain positions. The sort of stuff you use to search using the filter. Can use these same filters to choose who can message you. That way, you can keep unwanted messages away. Especially new accounts. Yes, would also like an option to stop people with new accounts and blank profile pictures messaging me.
Gordon Es commented
Similar to the "accept NSFW pics" question under expectations, there should be a question for "accept faceless messages". This would allow discreet users to better find people willing to chat to them without a face pic. And for users who are uncomfortable being approached by persons hiding their face, it would prevent this discomfort because they can use this question to express their boundaries.
Tom E commented
Same thing should be "information exchange". With age, about what into etc in private chat
Jizzsquirt commented
Like photo Escrow. I like this ideA
Matt Hayes commented
Wonderful thoughts! I have a very similar post I did before seeing this. Glad this is something we're already asking for! We definitely need something like this implemented. It's a total lack of respect that people have by not operating in a way as to honor discretion and allow us to feel secure that this app allows us the opportunity for safe and productive experiences and encounters.
Brendan commented
If you're that deep in the closet....
Radath commented
Awesome idea. It's really annoying when you agree to trade, but you send yours first and they don't.
Hani commented
Create an option called (face pic deal) it can be used for discreet people hesitating in sharing their face pic. You, grindr can approve a pic as clear facepic, whenever 2 people chatting agreed to share face pic they should both click on the (facepic deal) button, if they do so, automatically, their approved clear facepics will be shared. And no one can foul the other in the counteries where people are affraid to share their faces