Unsend Message
Unsend message, photo, and location.
Anonymous commented
Honestly a great idea. Not sure why Grindr hasn’t done this already
If someone deactivated their account, the conversation should be cleared on both ends. Atleased for privacy concerns
Ton commented
Have the mechanism to delete photos you send during the conversation.
Anonymous commented
Please have an option to recall a message or pic that was accidentally sent.
Juan José commented
Se debería de CONSIDERAR que en los chats se pueda tener la opción de BORRAR o ANULAR los mensajes y fotos una vez ya enviados.
Sin necesidad de tener que bloquear al usuario y volverlo a desbloquear. Porque así se borra TODO el contenido que hay en el chat, cuando sólo se quiere es borrar un escrito o foto, "para rectificar alguna palabra equivocada" o "borrar alguna foto enviada por equivocación". @EnydMarrufo -
Ron commented
Delete both conversations when you delete a thread. Also a way to delete sent pictures. This will make people more comfortable about posting pictures.
Blaine commented
*you... my bad.
Blaine commented
Anyone else accidentally sent your location to someone? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to undo it without having to block the person you sent it to?
Maybe have an undo button or a timer start after you send it in case yoi change your mind... -
Anonymous commented
I wanna delete the conversation on both ends . How to do that ?
Anonymous commented
When I erase a conversation I would like it to erase on the reciever’s end as well... essentially an “unsend all” function.
[Deleted User] commented
When someone blocks you, the conversation is deleted on both ends and they can't access the location message anymore. If they screenshot Maps just after you sent them the location, you can't do much.
Jin Neptune commented
No, I want to be able to back read on old conversations and reminisce on how good it was in the old days.. long after my top has lost interest in me.
Rajan commented
There should be an option,
We can delete our photo we sent, from others profile too.
So many times we face that, people ask our photo and refused to share his photo.
So at that time we can delete our photo from both profile, our and reciving profile both.
WhatsApp just updated this fiture before few month.
Rajan commented
There should be an option,
We can delete our photo we sent, from others profile too.
So many times we face that, people ask our photo and refused to share his photo.
So at that time we can delete our photo from both profile, our and reciving profile both.
WhatsApp just updated this fiture before few month.
Not Anonymous commented
LW commented
Allow us to retract messages we previously sent within a chat, and replace them with "Message unsent by sender."
This feature works great on Scruff and would be VERY valuable on Grindr. -
who gives a f commented
This is a major safety and security concern. I can't tel how many times the same has happened to me. This just open the opportunity for them to stalk you or creep by your home for a closer look, then to contact you with a new profile. - so detailed right.Has happened to me! MORE THAN ONCE.
Anonymous commented
The creeps and freaks will just snap them with another device on receipt.
Anonymous commented
Actually I've gone and "stalked" a few locals right up to their doors to see how effective it is. It is quite scary rather like the Hitchcock film "Back Window"
Anonymous commented
I would suggest that this is both unethical and illegal.
Any is a combination of your own creativity and what someone else has gifted you, i.e. your property and for the other person it is their property.in their private space.
If you exchange love letters with somebody and then you fall out badly you do not have the right to steal or destroy the letters you sent then nor vice versa and if either of you photo-copied the letter you sent those copies of your letters along with the letter you received are your property.
I have already had a personal issue with Grindr over the automatic deletion of your copy of conversations when someone deletes their profile. When somebody deletes or blocks suddenly their motive is often malicious or as in my case, criminal. When the messages disappeared as he deleted so did concrete evidence both identifying the person and proving criminality.
It was not neither the other persons property nor his that disappeared, it was mine and as a result, thanks to Grindr, others are going to get it from the same guy.
Fernando Maulion commented
STUPID IDEA, there is nothing good or to improve in this matter, if some one block you the conversation is gone anyways.