Unsend Message
Unsend message, photo, and location.

Anonymous commented
Grindr is a gay website and the ability for open and honest discussion is essential for miscommunication.
Anonymous commented
an option should be provided where you can delete a picture you send to the person you are chatting with and the picture should be deleted from both ends. Thanks
Anonymous commented
If i Delete my Grindr Account, would it possible all may info, details and msgs sent to other users will be deleted permanently?
Anonymous commented
Why can't we have an option to delete our sent photo to the other person for privacy reasons? At the moment we can delete from our Chat for me not to delete of my sent photo on the other person's chat window.
Leon. commented
I didnt know this feature, just googled if it was possible as 1 or 2 of my messages dissapeared, am i right in assuming if the recipient delets my copy of whatever was sent btween us then any pics iv sent would be delted too?
Jak commented
Recall photos like Blued. Photos will vanish depending on the seconds you desire, or any moment you recall photos.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Seriously? Grow up people. It's like anything else in the world. If it's that ******* annoying that your comments or **** pics are around three months from now then YOU SHOULDN'T BE trolling and sending them in the first place. Next you're going to be claiming that performers in the **** industry should be able to claim "takesy backsies" as if they never ****** on film and got paid. Don't say it or send it if it's that **** important to you. Again, grow the **** up CHILDREN. SMDH
Anonymous commented
Doesn't blocking someone already do this ?
Give it a try. Converse with a friend. Block him. Then unblock him and see if the messages are still there.
Anonymous commented
How can I delete photos from a conversation, so they will also disappear from the chat from the receiver?
Anonymous commented
I disagree with this. If you don’t want something to remain then it’s probably something you should not have put in writing to begin with. The only thing I think we should be able to clear is pictures and that’s due to all the picture collectors out there that like to re-use your photo
larryjemes commented
hello how are you baby
cannotdraw commented
If you block someone, doesn't that delete the conversation from view on both sides?
Those who said they had their notes played for others, or pictures shown to others, thats the risk you ran by sending those notes. I agree that its in bad taste to do that, and thats a problem we need to address as a community. But if it was truly hot and seductive and hot pics, own it. Be proud of yourself, if they show others its probably as bragging rights cuz they felt so lucky to be with you. If you feel humiliated by that sort of thing, then don't make and send them.
Now if they're profiting off of your content, then put a copyright on it and sue them for performance royalties.The moment you stop crying that your hot nudes and seductive voice memos, and instead be proud that you were able to show someone else that side of yourself and that others liked it for any reason, is the moment you'll learn to start loving yourself, and the moment you'll allow others to love you, and it will take you from being attractive, to being hot.
People who try to shame others the way some describe here are the ones who we can call *******. They've earned that title. But realize, that they have to do horrible distasteful things like that just to get by being themselves, cuz they see it as a distraction, a deflection from themselves, and they will do anything and sink to new lows to keep people from seeing how miserable and pathetic they see themselves as. Don't feed into it by reacting how they want you to, instead ask them if they're ok and if they want to talk about anything. And be genuine, it'll at the very least throw them off and leave them confused. And people like that don't want to mess with someone they are confused by, cuz its an unknown situation to them. If that doesn't work, tell them you're done with them, and block them. Hopefully if everyone else tells them that and does so, they'll hit rock bottom and hopefully choose to change for themselves and if they do, great, and they will become great loveable kind people. If they don't, oh well. Can't help those who don't want it or ask for it, can't change those who aren't willing to change for themselves.
jakes commented
I sent voice notes and pictures to guys when I was single. Now I have a BF and guys in our town are still playing my notes to other guys and showing then my pics. The reason I deleted the app was that I no longer needed it but am now being nailed because my old messages are still sitting on the phones of dudes who still show other guys: It sucks :-(
Mandev Gude commented
I lost my friends
Gabe commented
Annoying that i can't delet old chats
Justin commented
Asked --
No I am a victim of a Lewd and Lascivious crime. I was lied to about that person being 18 or olderAnswer -- the genesis of it all was an underage person violating the TOS. In some cases this has been considered a computer crime. Usually the indictment has to show you continued the participation after you became aware of underage
Justin commented
Asked --
If I delete the account completely does it clear conversations on all the recipients side too?Answer -- yes, I just tested it with a friend. I blocked him, then unblocked him. No record of the chat.
Anonymous commented
i say that this is not a horrible idea accept that it is a great opportunity to be a creep i mean you think it should be possible to say anything i want and then when it is read i can take it back how about sounds like you make it difficult to identify shady people like that. Why not do it like Facebook but step it up a notch,
example: you can see if the messages have been read by the recipient and then if and only if it want read it can be withdrawn. as if it was never said at all. -
Alan S commented
As others have said, the reasons for wanting to do this are rarely very good and sometimes criminal. Grindr should take this seriously and prevent the deletion of a conversation on the "other end" - even when blocking someone there's no need to do that.
In any case, this is unlikely to work perfectly as conversations are stored client-side and can be saved outside the app, e.g. in a backup where all conversations are stored in an sqlite database.