Know who visits our profile
Have the option to check a list of the users who have visited our profiles.

Leo commented
I agree wholeheartedly with this thoughtful well articulated comment:
I know this was a highly voted feature - but WHY? It's unnecessary and trivial. I view many profiles but it usually doesn't mean anything. All it does is change the behaviour of users in a negative way (for example, some people will not view a profile because they know the other person will see). Is it any wonder why Facebook hasn't done it?! Being able to browse anonymously from each other is a basic requirement. Unfortunately, you have just done it for the $$ to get more "unlimited" subscribers. THINK!! -
Anonymous commented
I know this was a highly voted feature - but WHY? It's unnecessary and trivial. I view many profiles but it usually doesn't mean anything. All it does is change the behaviour of users in a negative way (for example, some people will not view a profile because they know the other person will see). Is it any wonder why Facebook hasn't done it?! Being able to browse anonymously from each other is a basic requirement. Unfortunately, you have just done it for the $$ to get more "unlimited" subscribers. THINK!!
Justin commented
It was a bad idea when first tried several months ago. It still is a bad idea.
Will not renew my Extra acct and uninstall at end of month.
Steve commented
I’m completely disillusioned with Grindr, my extra subscription ends next month and I will not be renewing... the incognito feature has stopped me looking at any profiles as I do not want people to see they caught
My eye, I would tap or message if I wanted this. I also don’t want to see who has looked at me, this is purely a sale gimmick to make you
Want to increase the subscription. I’m very disappointed with your choices, also you are asking for users to offer free input to your research to then hit
Everyone with an increased fee! Shocking! -
Jeff commented
Been a Grindr user for 7+ years. WORST F'ing feature ever!!!! REMOVE it or you've lost a customer! You need to fire whoever instituted this **** too.
Eric commented
WORST FEATURE EVER! GUYS YOU REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY NEED TO REMOVE THIS FEATURE. I don’t want my crush to see I checked his profile 67 times, and I don’t wanna see how many people checked me out and ignored me. Pleaseeeeee, get rid of this feature
Anonymous commented
Remove this terrible feature not required
[Deleted User] commented
This is a horrible idea. There should be a way to opt out of this, and it should be FREE, not only for extra users. I will refrain from using Grindr until this feature gets removed.
LV commented
Terrible idea. I left Jack’d because of this feature. Please remove!
Fernando commented
My friend can see me when i checked his profile. Is this possible and why don't i have that feature where i can see who viewed my profile?
Alex commented
It’s the worst idea ever take it off !
Anonymous commented
Viewer was NOT in area. How would I know? Please fix. I’m in trouble because of them. Money is not free.
Mike commented
This honestly has to be one of the worst features Grindr has implemented. This app already brings out the narcissism in people but this is just ridiculous. Sitting around and worrying what you’re doing wrong that nobody’s messaging you is uncomfortable. And also not wanting people to know you’ve been on there profile. It’s like you keep adding features to coerce people into buying xtra to avoid this ****. Like literally what’s next ? A rating system for each user. I just joined back up after 2 years to meet new people and I really didn’t think this app could become worse. But big surprise it has !
Anonymous commented
Terrible idea
Anonymous commented
Terreible idea!! Removes privacy of browsing profies. Creates an unwanted interaction. Stupid that i have to 'go off the grid' to view profiles in privacy. Not every profile i view i want to interact with. Won't be conitnuing with grindr.
Anonymous commented
Great idea. That way you know if someone checked your profile after you've gone to the effort to write to them and they don't have the kind human decency to reply or block, you can save space on your screen by blocking then instead.
Anonymous commented
I’ve seen this one implemented, but it’s only if you pay for Grindr Xtra. This should be free for users to see.
Gino commented
This is a bad idea all together. Manhunt has the TRACK feature and all I ever do is look and keep going. It is of no use. Adam4Adam.....same thing. To what end does it help to know that someone LOOKED at your profile but didn't message you. How about making it more difficult to hide on your app than it is. Already there are BOTS, so many FAKE profiles and it seems that not much is done to clean any of that up. I really question whether I am going to continue to pay for XTRA after my subscription runs out. I can stay on A4A for free and do the same thing I can do on GRINDR. How about being different guys? How about encouraging men to have the balls to speak up if they like what they read or see? My opinion probably doesn't hold much weight, or the fact that I may not pay again because for every one that leaves, 2 probably join. Fact of the matter is, all of these things are trackable and traceable by the makers of this app. If someone needed to find out this information because of a serious situation, I am sure you'd be able and willing to help. Please consider nixing this very horrible idea. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
I'm leaving Grindr because of this feature. There's a reason why Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have privacy features where it's inbuilt that you can't see who has viewed your profile or at least you can set your privacy. There's also a reason why OKCupid removed it and I'm very surprised that Grindr is going the other way. Sometimes I sit on Grindr and just scroll through my favorites if I'm bored to see if they've updated their profile or to check that an ex isn't in the same vicinity as me when I'm going out. If I check their profiles now and they can see I've viewed their profile on different days I'll appear like a stalker.
Anonymous commented
Worst idea ever!!!!