Know who visits our profile
Have the option to check a list of the users who have visited our profiles.

Anonymous commented
Being able to see who viewed your profile
Anonymous commented
users should know who has reviewed his profile
Anonymous commented
I don’t want my crush to know I view his profile 10 times a day lol
Anonymous commented
Maybe a who viewed your profile feature.
Anonymous commented
A few years ago I use to love to see who previewed my profile but after awhile it replaced getting a message from that person because they think just by viewing you is enough to warrant a response. So if you don't respond they keep viewing your profile adnauseam. I truly believe it hurts the experience in the long run. Just like Jack'd...sigh.
Anonymous commented
Hey guys please add last seen segment in profile. That may help us who is viewing my profile and who is much interested in us.
Anonymous commented
Option to see who viewed your profile but did not tap or send a message
Anonymous commented
Allows u to see who has been looking at ur profile
Shawn commented
Have an option to see who has looked at you.
Anonymous commented
Have a feature where users can see who viewed their profile