Delete Specific Messages
Delete specific messages by pressing on the msg, within an ongoing conversation. This feature existed in old Grindr versions.

Mark commented
I deleted the whole conversation on that one person. Will it be deleted as well on that other person's end?
Mike K commented
Girls girls, relax! - you’re all getting your panties all wadded up. If you think before you act maybe this wouldn’t be an issue. DAB!!
angelo commented
make canceling messages accessible resource -
drew commented
Most definitely agree. Again, was in old version
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Please, please add the ability to delete sent pictures especially, for creepy pic collectors, or even if just sent in error.
Anonymous commented
All of you children requesting this need to get off Grindr. Clearly you're not adult enough for the app. Don't send it if you're going to have a problem with them having it five minutes from now. SMDH
Anonymous commented
why was it removed?
Tom commented
Can you please tell me if within the raw data from back up can see when a message was deleted?
Is it replaced with a character or is the message still in the raw data just not displayed in the app window?
Anonymous commented
Hello when will you reintrodude the feature that allowed us to delete part of the chat conversation? For example being able to delete the location info I sent might avoid being stalked by someone as it happened to me in the past. This is a safety ans liability issue. The option to delete sentences, location sent or pics was very helpful when it was part of the app so please reintroduce it with an upcoming update .
Anonymous commented
retrospective part editing of text and mis-sent pictures. Ability to correct after premature transmission
Anonymous commented
Again, with respect to photos and location, the option to delete their own transmissions should be available to each person and should affect BOTH ccopies of the conversationn, and of someone wants to delete individual statementsthey should be able to do so as well but it should only affect their OWN copy of the conversation. The exception should be if the statement has not yet been viewed by the other.
Anonymous commented
Can be the option to delete only picture or a thread after giving to someone.
Anonymous commented
Delete chat history n picture... Share picture for certain period of time
Leo commented
retrospective part editing of text and mis-sent pictures. Ability to correct after premature transmission
Katalk commented
Pictures we trade on a private message must have an expiration or notification or an option to delete to avoid recipient to screenshot or download the photo for security purpose of the sender. Many grindr user are poser and they are just using photos received when trading pictures.
Anonymous commented
To delete the single message or picture that we sent. Or to have a feature that noone can screenshot the picture we sent.
Ron Thomas commented
Bring back delete feature so we can take back/ delete photos and parts of a conversation . Please
Oscar commented
Let us to delete specific messages and not the whole conversation
Anonymous commented
I send a picture to someone and then i want to delete that pic from his convo.