Change jo back to bator. All these guys who aren’t bators add jo to their bio and it makes it hard because either they message us trying to hookup and not bate or we message them just to find out they are aren’t bators. It’s really frustrating since now a lot of guys put jo in their bio because well most guys Jo but not everyone who jo is a bator. I’ve asked these people and responses ive gotten are “oh I like to Jo while I eat a guy out, or I like to jo while being railed” and if you bring up being a bator they want no part of it. Thats the biggest problem you generalized the term when the term bator was used to describe a certain type of guy not the entire population of people who jerk off. Yes anyone can be a bator but not everyone is looking to bate with other guys,the bator term help filter out bators from other guys and now we cant do that anymore since the term has been generalized. Now people who are bators have to waste our time weeding through people with the tag to see if they are a bator or not and 9/10 they aren’t. And yall as grindr should know how hard it is to find a good fwb,a lot of guys have poor hygiene,bad communication, and terrible with boundaries. Now imagine adding in having to find people part if a niche community on top of that. Yea we have websites like bateworld but that website doesn’t have the amount of users or availability of men like grindr,there are ton of bators who use grindr and not bw. Plus having the tag exposed bating as a thing to non bators,letting people discover it and trying it out. Overall changinf the term has done more harm then good and the jo tag is honestly a useless tag, like think about it. A guy telling other guys he jerks off,like big deal literally every guy does that. But letting people you know you are a bator is completely different then saying you jerk off,being a bator is a specific thing. Please bring back the bator term. Im not even asking removing the jo term we can have both, just having a bator term would mean a lot to our community.
Tldr please bring back the bator tag