simpler operation, so it works. otherwise too much time - i.e. 1/3, is taken up figuring out a new small feature like messages filter
an a.i. portal that will compare your profile in a new way to the same new way for everyone who wants to fill out an extra profile, perhaps a ‘psychological’ profile or sexuality /personality dynamic interactive profile. whatever type of new profile that is added as an extra (with consent) could be got (maybe bought) wholesale from various published sources. This blends the mix of people (profiles) who chose to add it, towards compatibility but with sexuality as a major or - why not - THE major ingredient. Playing with the strength of sexual response as a variable in the a.i.’s algorithm could be a useful and attractive feature. You really have to hire the right programmers, and tell whatever boss that is ruining the technical functionality of the site -to stop. I left and came back and can’t believe the downgrade in buggyness. Everyone hates a buggy app.