people on grinder are terrible! Fake, unpolite, blocking for no reason or blocking after receiving pics without replying.
There is a possibility to make a report for offensive people but when they offend and then block, it's too late, you can not do anything.
First of all, when somebody blocks, the guy blocked should have time enough to report the one who blocked.
Secondary, it should be fantastic to mark each user with a rating and this rating could be obtained by a mix of things like:
- how long the profile has been active on grindr since when it was created
- how often the profile is online
- how many times the user block people after receiving pics, without replying
- what people think about that profile (with the possibility to users to give a rating with satars without letting the other one know how many stars he received, otherwise a bad feedback would have as a consequence a baad feedback reply).
Anyway, I think it's time to add a rating to people because grindr it is full of fake and unpolite people and it's becoming nearly impossible to have a normal and polite conversation.