Change your banning guidelines
Your banning rules are quite ridiculous. People on dating application, target those people who do not sleep with them, so they make multiple accounts and report them again and again. Grinder consequently bans them.
1. Give prior warning ⚠️
2. Give explanation on which community standards a particular person violated.
3. Ban should be the last resort. It should be considered only after listening the other side too.
4. Freedom of speech and expression for LGBTQIA community is precious, as they have limited sources of fun.
Marc Pedneault commented
That happened to me, very frustrating since I never was mean to others. I had to appeal my ban, they asked for my driver licences and a picture of my face because they said I was underage, I sent that to them and finaly they said they cannot say why I was banned and that the decision was final. Multiple account users are the worse, too many power for malicious users...