I don't agree with mock location don't do it grinder don't let them lye about there location bad bad idea
Don't do mock location don't let them lie about their location so that they can place there self closer to me than they really are I don't want grinder to show that they're 30 mi away from me when they're really 60 I don't want someone to show they are 25 miles away from me when they are 40 miles away when I get there tru location i will black them if you do mock location grinder don't let no one be able to turn off there distance every one keeps distance on and when Google maps says you are 60 miles away instead of 40 I will block you don't let them lie mock location is lying about your location and don't say it's not laying it is because it's not your tru location so you're lying grinder had mock location before and you took it off do not but it back grinder was not worth a shit with mock location the grinder location was all fucked up grinder took mock location off for a good reason