Fix the BOTTOM Menu in iOS 18.1 beta 2
The BOTTOM menu has disappeared from the app. This really reduces the VERSitility of the app. This needs to be a TOP priority to get it fixed. You should put a-SIDE other priorities and get this fixed. ;-)

Vbllr81 commented
(regarding your 8/22/24 comment): AMEN!!!! Well said!! I would love to see the data being stored about me. Thank you, Mike.
Mike commented
So, the bottom menu is now fixed, so thanks for that. But, now you’ve broken the ability to send messages from the profile page. Yikes!
No other app has these problems on release or beta versions of iOS. I just don’t get it. Since you’ve moved the messages to server-side storage the app has just gone downhill (let’s not even get into why you’ve done that: **cough cough** DATA HARVESTING, AT BEST, TARGETED ADVERTISING, AT WORSE, FOR THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT **cough cough**). I’m cancelling my subscription and moving to an app that actually works. I’m done!
Your QA is non-existent, or if it is, the team is incompetent, inept, or both. I suspect you’ve, at least partially, moved to an AI coding and QA model for cost consideration but that’s doesn’t excuse the bugs getting through the process.
Core functionality is breaking regularly on released versions of iOS. I don’t say this lightly, as I’m head of QA for one of the most popular apps on the App Store right now. I’d be fired if just one of the bugs you’re allowing through the process was released. Let alone the fact that your server-side message storage has been awful since its introduction and shows no signs of improving.
I understand the need for quick sprints and continuous development, but that’s no excuse for adequate QA even against beta versions of iOS.
I think it might be time for me to look at entering your market. From what I can see, your customer sentiment is going in the wrong direction and your customers are looking for a decent alternative. Your app is nothing special: The only thing you have going for you is your large customer base and product recognition. Take a moment and think about the history of Skype and how that turned out for Microsoft. Zoom, anyone?
Good luck to you, you’re going to need it.
I know this will be deleted as soon as you see it, but please, take a moment and actually share the constructive feedback I offered from a customer who has been with you since the beginning.
PS: To anyone reading this, submit a request to see the data that Grindr is storing about you through their website. It’s terrifying!
J commented
I have submitted a ticket for this as well. Makes the app practically impossible to navigate.