Free users should have access to web page
Free users should also have access to on the web because some instructions for how to do things on the free app are incorrect. my personal issue was the how to report a person who has blocked you feature/instructions are incorrect for a free app user such as myself. someone messaged me and information exchanged in our chat, leads me to believe this person is number one, possibly breaking the law number two possibly harming underage minors (which is illegal/disgusting) I am trying to get his profile reported but when I went online to the help center to get instructions for how to report someone who has recently blocked me, the instructions are not correct. They need to be correct and we need access to the website to have access to the full help center in order to be able to possibly notify law enforcement and protect people that are being harmed. Especially when there are no descriptive photos or information on the other persons profile which leave us with no information of how to figure out who this is I hope and pray that grindr location services are able to find and pinpoint someone’s profile in order to get accurate location information and inform law enforcement When necessary. The fact that there is a free available app and very expensive subscription options in my opinion is ridiculous. There needs to be a I guess free user available app as well as an affordable maybe like $20 a month subscription option button no matter if you have free or a paid subscription, we all should have the same basic features. I think the only extra features that the paid apps should have could be the ability to search a broader location area as well as the ability to search for an individual profile name may be a few minor extra features, but I don’t feel it’s right for it to be this big of a stark contrast between paid and free users

Caleb Jarnigan commented
Across-the-board between free and paid users help center. Instructions should be accurate and up-to-date at all times in order to help protect people that may be being harmed in order to get accurate information reported when we are afraid that someone could be in danger.