Lots of App Glitches
Lots of glitches in the app.
In the messages screen cannot click on a picture to open the profile. Now need to open the individual chat and click on the picture at the top in the chat to get to the profile.
Not refreshing online status. It shows people as online when they haven't been in about an hour. Sometimes it works by pulling down to refresh on the explore screen, but only a fraction of the time
Can no longer distinguish between messages that have been sent and those that have been delivered. Everything shows as delivered so you don't know if someone has been on since you sent the message and it has been delivered or if they haven't been on and it's still sent.
On the explore page, constantly have to keep scrolling to the top and pulling down to refresh who's online especially with the unlimited membership can be annoying. By the time you're down far enough half the people aren't even online anymore.