Setting for data saving. Because the detail in the app is tremendous now with the ads and videos but beyond that reduce the graphics
I don't know why this app has to use so much freaking data for such a simple display. Reduce detail. Or allowed the option to everything doesn't have to be 1080p or 2 K quality. Also because of my weak signal sometimes none of the homepage loads or all of it does however when you click on profiles all you get is a blank screen with the basic background setup when I click on videos or try to load the pictures often I have to sit there waiting for it to buffer which can be un-forthcoming Even after 10 minutes Still staring at blank profile. And that's on every profile. Constantly getting error messages having messages not send saying no internet connection sometimes Even when I have five bars on a 5g signal.
I think it's this app that says it's not your fault it's ours when a certain Type of glitch occurs.
Additionally it would be nice if your filters worked better instead of wasting all the spaces or the few spaces you give us with incorrect results. Even when the profiles have the opposite of what my preferences say I'm looking for versatile versatile bottom bottom Etc and that's what many of them have checked in the boxes under what their interest is then you get every fifth one turning out to be top sometimes two or three in a row that's not what I was looking for that's not checked I don't know why that happens when they actually have the boxes checked for what their preferences are and they don't match mine yet still they show up in the results. That is if I can get the profiles to even pop up as I was saying reduce the amount of data you so that profiles can load up when you click on a profile that when you it opens there's a picture there or if there's no picture at least whatever the preferences are if they put any if it's a blank profile that's a blank profile but if it's not a blank profile when you click on it it should be pictures information whatever's in the profile and it's reduced home screen form should appear inside the profile and you shouldn't get messages that don't send and it doesn't even tell you they didn't send that's the worst part. I go back 2 days later I'm going through my profiles looking for responses in the message is never sent and there's no red marker mark or anything to tell me there's an issue. So people waiting for my responses and they're not getting them. Anyway I know I'm using the free version I'm very financially constrained currently occasionally I have purchased it but the prices you charge are above and beyond unreasonable especially since this app has actually more glitches than a for a. And that's pretty bad. Come on do the gay World a favor and represent quality. I know this particular app doesn't represent the highest class of people but you could at least make it work right and show that we're not a bunch of dumbasses one for spending money on an app that doesn't work half the time two for being the creators of the app and the programmers that don't know what the hell they're doing. Looks bad on your company looks bad on our community. Thank you.
PS Maybe you can offer like scruff has is check my Connection Feature That will allow the app Check the settings see Or whether there's a connection at all Because when I have five bars 5G I still get no connection sometimes A while Upwards of a half an hour I can't get in I can't do anything It's showing me profiles as if it's refreshed But it's telling me There's no signal on 5G with the full five bars. Maybe with the check my connection feature it can analyze the signals find the actual connection and adapt the app to it? I don't know but I do know I won't pay for the app because of all these things even when I did just last week the same things were happening nothing was any better and at the prices you want not a chance I'd rather take the glitches on a for a and pay next to nothing compared