Refreshing and notifications
First off, lately I have not received notifications at all. I’m discreet, so I always turn on/off notifications when I’m available or not. Lately, when I AM available, I do not get notifications even when I enable it ALL.
Second, as if two months ago, I have been unable to scroll through older messages for potential missed connections. I was able to scroll maybe 10-15 passed messages then I was bumped back to current messages or (if scrolling lower quickly), I’m at a random message from months ago.
Today! …ALL my message history is gone. Disappeared. Gone. Missing. Not Accessible.
….not until I have to find a profile I KNOW to have chatted with, I am able to see the chat history. This is very inconvenient. Also…I have had saved (“pinned”) chats, and they were ALSO gone!!!
What’s happening with the app?!?!
Is there crashes or bugs that still need to be fixed after months???
I’m very unhappy with this app currently.
Note: I have deleted and re-downloaded the app, I have restarted my phone. Deleted app AND restarted my phone….the issue still occurs.
Answer please: WHY IS GRINDR FAILING AS A SOCIAL APP FOR ME?!? Is this issue occurring to me only or is it a known/global issue? Please fix!