User Unfriendly App Design
Grindr is not User Friendly. Doing anything with relative ease requires you to have paid for it. basic requirements are behind a paywall, i can understand limited use for the free app, but not being able to send more than one expiring photo at once unless i am paying loads of money in a week is entirely unfair. the only reason people use grindr is because it's the most used in the world. not because it is good, not because they care, its because they hold the entire market under their thumb. Grindr needs to realise there are people out there and their app is possibly the only way of these men connecting, it's not about the money anymore, its about them abusing us. we are just dollars to them, that all they care about.
My Idea is to revamp how grindr works. make the app honest. please. for the good of the gay community and the world. you can help us.