us grinder users need to protest grinders high prices by not going on grinder for 3 days all of us that will hurt grinder really bad
All of us grinder users need to protest grinders high prices and all of us need to get off Grindr for 3 days or as long as it takes that will hurt grinder really bad we need to do something to get their prices back down to where they were this is the only Hook up dating app that is got the high prices it's crazy we need to do something if they don't lower their prices on their own then we'll have to take it into our own hands and do something about it ourselves how does Match first sound if you guys are all in write a comment down below and we'll get this started this is a big app guys from all over the world is on Grindr we need a lot of guys to do this or it will not work I'm tired of there high prices if they don't lower their prices on their own then us users need to figure out how to protest so Grindr are you going to lower the price or we going to have to protest