Rampant Discrimination Against Men With Average Penises
Who would like to join a class action lawsuit that exposes how Grindr has created an environment where men with average and small penises are not seen as worthy for sex or even a potential preference? You can only select the preference for "hung cocks" and you cannot filter based on race - both are immutable characteristics of a person's being, one will get you banned from the site if you use it as a statute to discriminate based off of, and the other is very much tolerated on the site; body dysmorphia surrounding penis size is one of the fastest growing mental health crises in the world. With all of these progressive gays talking about inclusivity and toxic masculinity, it is time to look inwardly at our own sex culture and point out where we are morally wrong and causing severe pain in people's lives out of unrestrained pursuit of self pleasure. I have been told to kill myself for having an average sized cock, ignored by hundreds of my peers over the years of using the app, and not allowed to be represented in the subset of "preferences" because apparently, according to Grindr, the only type of penis you can designate as a preference are hung dicks. With Grindr promoting itself as the largest social connection app for gay men and with their clear tolerance / promotion of penis size discrimination, it is time that this public company faces the consequences of the mental health crisis it has caused for the vulnerable gay community.
Size Discrimination commented
In addition, you get advertisements on how to make your penis bigger.... if there were advertisements teaching black people how to lighten their skin or "act less black," the company would be sued for racism.