Stop users from gaming the system by allowing them to be abusive and then block so theres no record of the abuse
I know! Lets go to the US GOVERNMENT and have them pass legislation that takes control of what the staff are unable or unwilling to address the way their app is abused by bullies and frauds. Your lack of real concern for the well being of your users is to say the least insulting. Ya might as well change your logo to a big middle finger. What a shame. Are we on the dark web? Feels like it since your app rewards and benefits bad actors over the rest of your user base. If you're unwilling to protect your users experience? I guess it is just about making money at the user's expense. The sad reality is that people then turn around and think its "ok" to treat people badly. What? They learned it on grindr so it must be acceptable behavior? Yep all these apps have demonstrated that policing yourself isn't good enough. No wonder all the bad actors flock to this app. Its by design that they can abuse other people and then block to cover their tracks and get away with criminal activies. Clap clap clap grindr management. This is your monster you've created. Not sure why you wont fix that terrible smell coming from grindr. Guess i have to start recording my screen with another camera so i can produce the needed evidence? Might be hard to do but not impossible!!