“Re-blocked” protections
This has been written to allow entry level users (non-paying) to better protect themselves, encourage them to remain engaged with the app, feel safe, and will prevent account deletion out of fear
In order to prevent or discourage bullying threats or harassment, in cases such:
- The abusive “person A” has blocked the abused “person B”;
A has the option to Unblock B, send B some harassing/threatening/insulting/etz’ messages, wait for a reaction -read_indication- from B and Re-Block B again (giving minimal reaction room (*) ). This creates one sided, abusive communication with an option for repetition.
(*) an abusive person A has no interest in the abused B person’s reaction.
Suggestion- community prot[ection]: recognize pattern: unblock- short spanned communication -Reblock (**) - recognize pattern and ask the blocked person B if the conversation was abusive. If so, allow B to report the conversation.
(**) Long spanned conversation can indicate rehabilitated communication- might not be abusive.
Suggestion-community prot’: pattern repetition- if A repeats the same abusive pattern with multiple users, alert the system making A more susceptible to reports.
Suggestion - user protection: single unblock per (abused) profile ; “Re-block” -blocks for good- in other words the (abused) user does not show on the “unblock users” list. (***)
(***) some might use the block-unblock function as a way to “clean” conversations on both ends, Thus guarding their privacy, and preventing some people from having permanent access to their unsolicited images.
Those can prevent “heat of the moment” interactions, and force abusive users to move on.