Feature for categories/favorites and Traveling
Great additions do the paid version would be those supporting people who travel. Here goes.
1) instead of a single favorite on a profile by clicking the star, treat more like a bookmark and allow you to create a naked category You can then associate profiles with different categories and filter accordingly. By city, into?, etc.
2) in the messages, allow a filter to use the same favorite categories so you can show only those messages from profiles in a particular category.
3). These features could even be expanded to support auto category so that when you’re in a new location. And you favorite - a setting allows those to be automatically assigned to a major metropolitan area that you’re in. Ie. NYC, London, Madrid, Topeka. So if you favorite someone while in that location the app could help you filter and keep up with those from that location. It wouldn’t necessarily use the profile location for this. Rather it would simply suggest a category name for you based on wheee you are and assign it. (Dependent on 1 & 2) above.