Having to weed out the scammers/impersonators. Have Verified Identity tags on profiles and video chat capability.
As a PAYING member of this type of social app, it's my strongly held belief that it is that corporation's DUTY to ensure that the person I'm having a typed convo with, is VERIFIABLY the same person portrayed in the profile. You can do that proactively by providing an avenue for verifying identity like many other sites do, using 3rd party ID verification providers. Secondly, this and other sites aggressively warn users not to leave the app or site to talk because "that's a warning sign of scammers." Ok, then give me the tools to proactively verify identity without having to leave the app. You can do that by providing a video chat mechanism. It can be a time-limited micro-chat that both parties can turn on AS THEY ARE ACTIVELY CHATTING, so they can visually match the profile pic with the person typing on the other side of the convo.
I'm on a serious search for a relationship, and am currently a paying member of 7 different sites and because of the sickening amount of fake profiles ive seen, I pay for 3rd party ID verification services that are time consuming and costly. How AWESOME would it be if I was able to do that without having to leave the app.