No syncing between apple products and constantly having my message history disappear (what’s the purpose of a backup copy after it went misg
Extremely frustrating that there Grindr had created an app for iPad, however, the app will NOT display in the horizontal position (which most ipad user’s will TYPICALLY have their iPad in (the horizontal position and attached to a keyboard). The Grindr app will only display in the vertical position.. Frustrating.
Also, why is there such a struggle for you all to let messages appear on more than one device. If I’m on my iPad and receive a message, that message will not show on my phone, at any point, after I have clicked on it on the iPad.
What does the ‘chat backup’ actually, really do? I have the app addatchex to my iCloud (with massive amounts of free space still available. Why CAN’T the chat be stored in a cloud?