Improvement/ Getting out of the "only for fuck" ?
I curently see 187 people who click on my grindr each day who see my profile, but very few send a message. Some says, "you are sexy,....." but don't go further into conversation, most people don't have any conversation at all. I always have the feeling i have to go to people, otherwise they just don't speak at all. A lot of people do somth else in the mean-time, not even to mention them to be slow-respondant.....
Am I weird ? or is this a common topic. That's really disturbing.
I tend to think people see Grindr as a depressing place, just for fuck, so "get the fuck"-minded behaviour. ( i live in south west countryside France, might have a geographical influence, but cities are the same, just you can fuck really easily like a boy a night, but is Grindr just fuck for people in cities ? )
I have no clue how i can speak to guys, especially the ones i find interesting. I mean in that conditions. I mean finding a boyfriend, or something a bit serious is quite difficult here.
I tend to think the core problem is because people see Grindr ONLY as a place to fuck people, and that is fundamentally depressing. I don't experience the same behaviour from the very same people on apps like Hornet for instance. People, place no value at all in speaking in grindr.
I would like to know if in the end result it is a deliberate policy from your own or if it is a drawback.
On top of this, i would enjoy to have a "feedback" or smth to see how other people perceive us. Do you have some public data-analysis or behavioral studies, so that i can expect maybe to be better one day. (though i doubt it, haha)