Add filter and classification to the message log
Hi just passing by to ask for a way to sort out my messages...there are many ways in which we could do that. By the presence or absence of a profile age, by time passed since last if the last message was sent by you or the other person, by tags, by keywords in the chat log, or keywords in the how many messages were exchanged, by gender, by country, by distance, etc...Im asking that because as a crossdresser we are on the feminine spectrum, and just as men harass women more then men harass men ou women harass men or women, we and all the MTF trans community receive A LOT, I mean A LOT of attention, and not the kind we are looking for. Sometimes it's just hard to keep up with the nice guys. The guys that enjoy a good talk, the polite ones, the cute ones, the good ones, they expect reciprocity from us to keep on flirting. Sometimes this forceful and annoying guys just don't stop showing up, like 10-15 a day. I feel like I just can't keep up with all the beautiful princes that perchance happens to start talking to me. And I personally don't think there should be an ethnicity filter, since this would be an explicit act of segregation. Sometimes you can feel like being with this or that but you should not be allowed to simply ignore this or that. Contact happens as it happens and avoid contacting anyone because of their ethnicity, again, for me, is a form of racism.