Change “gear” tag to something that doesn’t also mean “drugs”
In Australian English, and probably in a lot of other vernaculars as well, “gear” is slang for “drugs”. (Wiktionary just lists it as slang, so I’d guess it’s common across a lot of English dialects.)
For every guy I get finding me through “gear” who is interested in hi vis or sports kit, I get about ten guys who want to sell or buy drugs. This is pretty annoying.
I also assume Grindr as a company don’t want to be a platform for the trade of illicit drugs. So I’d suggest changing “gear” to something less ambiguous.
I’m struggling to think of a tag to change it to… “clothes” is sort of technically correct but sounds completely wrong. “kit” kinda works but only really in British and some Commonwealth dialects.
The tags glossary (would be helpful to integrate that better, too; when I’m adding tags to my profile it would be nice to know what they mean!) gives this definition for “gear”:
Is aroused by fetish gear, such as harnesses, restraints, and the like.
I’d say that’s not exactly what I mean by it, but you could just change it to “fetishgear” and keep the existing definition consistent while reducing ambiguity.
Morgan Harris commented
Just happened again, btw. Should I comment every single time it does? Maybe I will.