Some types of users. I make a 6: a straight guy looking for Trans girls but not gay men. Normally I think he should have the option of not b
a passive filter that makes the user invisible (therefore not contactable) towards certain types of users, such as tribes or even physical characteristics or sexual orientations. Take for example a straight guy who is looking for trans girls and they are those. He may be bothered by receiving messages by men she has no interest in .. obviously it could also be the opposite. in short, I believe that each of us has the right to choose who can or cannot be seen and contacted.
Jared Peterson commented
Although your grammar is rough, to put it decently, I think I kinda get what you’re trying to say. However, a filter of sorts wouldn’t necessarily make a sorted group “not contactable” by another assortment.
If the idea is to stop unwanted solicits of type A by type B, then all type B would have to do is edit settings to be of the type in which A would typically be seeking solicits from.