Grindr membership monthly subscription be apportion go into Savings , or globally trusted bank to grow their funds for old age preparation.
I want to see grindr as place of all ages would gather, and they have a common end state to look forward , if they are to subscript membership that has XX % to go into savjngs of the individual account access and be Park into a group funds , which. The eligible period of withdrawal is after xx years . Each to have a chance to view the funds growth , for old age, for insurance for medical.
I Want a grindr we could see ourselves grow old.
Or after mature period, individual could pledge xx dollar to gay people shom are marginalized or xx national crisis, calling for grindr contribution to provide funds here we show to others Grindr care and share XXX dollar from member, and we can apply for tax relief .
Anonymous commented
Well look at many of grindr membership, I am not sure if there is more concrete and Life long kind of membership to park xx funds not for seeing more of others or unlimited view of others only. Instead it looks into our old age, and that is the grindr I really want to feel secure. So that Silver Plans in place, the funds management better be serious with very secure global banking facilities, well trusted audits be carried out, let's not wait for any other organization to help us, let not depraved of all others whom may not have a trusted bank from place they are from. Yet whereever and whatever we join member in grindr, we all see hope with same opportunity to grow the same dollar currency . So that as grindr, we see longevity , we see life long commitme
nt as all of us grow old. Lets start now, man need an old age funds to survive.