Remove “Ethnicity”
As the filters for “ethnicity” have been removed, what is the significance of persons race? I’m confident the majority of users who don’t fill it are BIPOC and mostly men with melanin. The ones who always populate it are white men. They’re the majority who benefit from viewing it, even though they can see our skin colour in our profile pic. That’s more than enough for them to discriminate based on their “preferences”. If it’s optional now, why bother including it at all. What’s the added advantage? Age, height, body, etc. i understand. Race…for what?

[Deleted User] commented
The significance is that race is not some phantom thing. There are physical features associated with it. Sometimes those features don't align with expectations, but usually they do. Get over it, buddy. And I say this as a "person of color".
And for the record, the vast majority of the faceless profiles, with ridiculous animations and other crap as the main pic, are from black and Latino men, in my experience. So no, quite often, you do NOT see the person's color from their picture.