+1 (424) 587-4735 This belongs to a profile that threaten to expose me to my friends and co-workers he wants $1,000 gift card Walmart. HELP!
A user is trying to get me to give him $1,000 Walmart Gift card. He is threatening to so call expose me with the pictures I sent him and the messages I sent him. He blocked me before I could screen shoot his profile. We did exchange cell number, he called me to threaten as well. I told to go ahead do it. I wasn’t going to give him nothing.
+1 (424) 587-4735 That’s the cell number he gave me . I do have screen shots of his text messages and he said and what i go he had in me from looking me up on the internet. Please help stop this kind of behavior. It’s criminal.

Please contact customer support, we can help: https://help.grindr.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360005715154
Jimi commented
I don’t know what to do. Who to call? I feel helpless that Grindr does not have a hotline for this kind of criminal behavior. Should I call the police?
Will some one from Grindr please contact me. H E L P!