I can't see messages
Recently, with the introduction of the larger and constant AD display on the BROWSE screen, it is nearly impossible to see messages sometimes.
After typing and sending a message, the keyboard remains visible on the screen. Between the headers, the now ever-present "ads that respect your data keep Grindr free" box, the in-screen (non-fullscreen) ads and the keyboard, there is NO SPACE FOR THE MESSAGES TO APPEARS. (Well, at least on my Iphone 6!)
Even after I send a message, if I do not hide the keyboard, when I receive a reply I can't see it. Unless I have begun typing, the keyboard should disappear by itself in this case.
How to make the keyboard go away is a mystery to me. I should be able to swipe the keyboard out of view--but, maybe that's an iPhone issue. As it is, I have to (1) hit the " icon (saved phrases) and then (2) I can swipe that popup away and the keyboard disappears.